Purchase Order Base

Not available in ajeraCore or ajeraCore + add-ons

Available Columns Description Date Range Available Chartable Can Edit Links to Page
General Information
Auto Numbered Indicates if the purchase order is auto numbered        
Company Name The company name associated with the purchase order       Company
Company Status The status of the company associated with the purchase order        
Current User Is Billing Manager

Marked Yes if employee logged in is billing manager.

Current User Is Marketing Contact

Marked Yes if employee logged in is marketing contact.

Current User Is Principal

Marked Yes if employee logged in is principal.

Current User Is Project Manager

Marked Yes if employee logged in is project manager.

Description The description of the purchase order     X Purchase Order
Invoiced Indicates if the purchase order has been invoiced        
Notes Any notes about the purchase order     X  
Number of Change Orders The number of change orders associated with the purchase order        
Number The number of the purchase order     X  
Original Purchase Order Description The description of the original purchase order associated with the change order       Purchase Order
Original Purchase Order Number The number of the original purchase order for the change order       Purchase Order
Purchase Order Status Value The database identifier of the status of the purchase order        
Purchase Order Status

The status of the purchase order

Examples: Preliminary, Completed, Approved, Closed, Voided

Purchase Order Type Value

The database identifier of the purchase order type

Examples: 0 = purchase order, 1 = change order

Purchase Order Type

The purchase order type

Examples: purchase order, change order

Requisition Number The requisition number associated with the purchase order     X  
Ship To Address The address the purchase order will ship to     X  
Vendor Account ID The account number of the vendor associated with the purchase order        
Vendor Address 1 The first line in the main address for the vendor associated with the purchase order        
Vendor Address 2 The second line in the main address for the vendor associated with the purchase order        
Vendor Address 3 The third line in the main address for the vendor associated with the purchase order        
Vendor Address The address for the vendor associated with the purchase order        
Vendor City The city name for the vendor associated with the purchase order        
Vendor Company Name The name of the vendor company associated with the purchase order       Company
Vendor Country The country name for the vendor associated with the purchase order        
Vendor Day to Pay The number of days from the invoice date you want to use to calculate the due date on vendor invoices or the day of the month you want to pay vendor invoices associated with the purchase order        
Vendor Days Type Indicates how you want to calculate the day to pay of this vendor: day of the month or number of days        
Vendor Description The description of the vendor     X Vendor
Vendor Email The email address for the vendor        
Vendor Fax Number The fax number for the vendor        
Vendor Fax Text The description of the fax number        
Vendor Form Type - 1099 The type of 1099 form that this vendor receives        
Vendor Mailing Address 1 The first line in the mailing address for the vendor        
Vendor Mailing Address 2 The second line in the mailing address for the vendor        
Vendor Mailing Address 3 The third line in the mailing address for the vendor        
Vendor Mailing Address The mailing address for the vendor        
Vendor Mailing City The city name in the mailing address for the vendor        
Vendor Mailing Country The country name in the mailing address for the vendor        
Vendor Mailing State The state name in the mailing address for the vendor        
Vendor Mailing ZIP The ZIP code in the mailing address for the vendor        
Vendor Notes Any notes about the vendor        
Vendor Phone 1 Number The primary phone number for the vendor        
Vendor Phone 1 Text A description of the primary phone number for the vendor        
Vendor Phone 2 Number The second phone number for the vendor        
Vendor Phone 2 Text A description of the second phone number for the vendor        
Vendor Phone 3 Number The third phone number for the vendor        
Vendor Phone 3 Text A description of the third phone number for the vendor        
Vendor Receives 1099 Indicates the vendor receives a 1099 form        
Vendor Recipient ID - 1099 The federal ID to print on the 1099 form        
Vendor State The state name in the main address for the vendor        
Vendor Status The status of the vendor        
Vendor Type The vendor type associated with the vendor       Vendor Type
Vendor Website The website URL associated with the vendor        
Vendor ZIP The ZIP code in the main address for the vendor        
Approved By The name of the person who approved the purchase order       Employee
Ordered By The name of the person who ordered the purchase order     X Employee
Vendor Contact 1 Name The name of the contact person associated with the vendor       Contact
Vendor Contact 2 Name The name of the contact person associated with the vendor       Contact
Vendor Contact 3 Name The name of the contact person associated with the vendor       Contact
Vendor Contact 4 Name The name of the contact person associated with the vendor       Contact
Vendor Contact 5 Name The name of the contact person associated with the vendor       Contact
Vendor Recipient Name - 1099 The name of the recipient of the 1099 form for this vendor        
Approved Date The date the purchase order was approved X      
Order Date The date the purchase order was ordered X   X  
Vendor Date Established The date you started doing business with the vendor X      
Amount Paid The amount paid on the purchase order        
Invoiced Amount The amount of the purchase order that was applied to a vendor invoice   X    
Remaining Amount The total amount - invoiced amount   X    
Total Amount The total amount of the purchase order   X    
Approved By Key The database identifier of the employee that approved the purchase order       Employee
Company Key The database identifier of the company associated with the purchase order       Company
Ordered By Key The database identifier of the employee who ordered the purchase order       Employee
Original Purchase Order Key The database identifier of the original purchase order       Purchase Order
Purchase Order Key The database identifier of the purchase order       Purchase Order
Vendor Contact 1 Key The database identifier of the vendor contact associated with the purchase order       Contact
Vendor Contact 2 Key The database identifier of the vendor contact associated with the purchase order       Contact
Vendor Contact 3 Key The database identifier of the vendor contact associated with the purchase order       Contact
Vendor Contact 4 Key The database identifier of the vendor contact associated with the purchase order       Contact
Vendor Contact 5 Key The database identifier of the vendor contact associated with the purchase order       Contact
Vendor Key The database identifier of the vendor associated with the purchase order       Vendor
Vendor Type Key The database identifier of the vendor type associated with the vendor       Vendor Type
Action Menu Adds the Action menu which gives you Edit, Void, and Print options.        

unavailable in ajeraCore Select to add the Gantt chart to your table widget.