Removal of Product Listings

Use this reference to learn about the multiple rules that apply and the changes that Specpoint makes to related content items when you remove a product listing from a project.

Rules and Automated Changes

Listing Type Rules and Automated Changes
Premium MasterSpec
  • Specpoint removes the respective option/entry for the premium listing from the associated manufacturer paragraph or BOD product paragraph in the associated product type element.

    The option that Specpoint removes is in this format:

    <Name of the manufacturer that offers the removed premium listing>:<Name of the removed premium listing>

  • Specpoint automatically clears the respective option selections from the option sets of the associated product type properties in the associated product type, family, and section elements.

    The options that Specpoint clears are the options that Specpoint automatically selected in associated product type properties when you added the product listing to the project.

Premium or Premium MasterSpec with Manufacturer Options
  • Specpoint applies all automated changes for removing either a Premium MasterSpec or a Premium listing.
  • If no other added product listing with the same manufacturer properties or manufacturer options remain in the project for the given product type, Specpoint removes all related manufacturer property paragraphs and manufacturer options for the removed listing.
  • If no other added product listing with manufacturer options remain in the project for the given product type, the Product Listings window displays all applicable product listings regardless of manufacturer options.
Manufacturer Specpoint clears the respective option selection for the removed manufacturer listing from the option set of the associated manufacturer paragraph or BOD product paragraph in the associated product type element.

The associated product type element is the element that shares the product type of the removed listing.

Premium Proprietary You cannot add or remove premium proprietary product listings from your project.