Use this toolbar to perform actions on a workflow.
Click this button to save the changes you make to the details of a workflow.
The workflow title displays on the form header after you save a new workflow. If the workflow is a parent, you can click the crosshair to display its child workflows.
Select one of the following options:
New Workflow: Click to add a new workflow of the type selected in the Workflow Type field in the grid header. PM Compass creates a new workflow with all fields set to defaults.
Copy Current Workflow: Click to create a new workflow based on a workflow that you have currently selected. PM Compass switches to the Form View. The new workflow will have the same Change Number and Control Account as the original workflow. In order to make changes to the workflow in the Change Details view, either the Change Number or Control Account must be different from the original workflow.
The List View displays a list of the workflows and assignments in a workflow category.
Use this button to refresh the Budget Details grid, refresh the source fields, and recalculate the cost values.
When you make changes in the Change Details view and you exit the view, PM Compass automatically updates the Budget Details grid on the parent and child workflow forms. You can also click this button to update the grid any time the In-Progress workflow status is In Review. Clicking the button is useful when you make edits to the sandbox project and you want the workflow form to reflect the edits.
When you make changes to the source fields while in the Change Details view and you exit the view, PM Compass automatically updates the source fields and recalculates the values in the Cost Details grid on the parent and child workflow forms. You can also click this button to refresh the source fields and recalculate the Cost Details grid values.
You can use this button to refresh source fields when:
The current assignee or the originator is accessing the workflow.
The Workflow Source Information Update Method on the General tab of Workflow Type Configuration is set to Manual Update.
The workflow status is [blank], New, Active,or In Review.
The workflow status is Completed and the sandbox project for the workflow exists.
Click to begin the workflow steps.
For a Change Management workflow, when you click Start Workflow, PM Compass checks to see if the control account you selected is currently part of another In-Progress change request for a workflow in the same change management category. If it is, a warning message displays: "The Control Account has unapproved Change Management Workflows. Do you want to continue?"
If you click No, the workflow does not start. You can select a different control account or delete the workflow.
If you click Yes, the workflow starts.
This check is performed when you click Start Workflow and when you approve a workflow.
This menu option displays after you start the workflow. The menu options that display may vary.
Continue <action required>: This option displays as Continue Approve or Continue Complete when a workflow that is assigned to you fails during processing. Use it to continue processing after the error has been fixed, even if the failed workflow step originated in Model Changes.
Do Required Action: This field corresponds to the next action displayed in the My Action Required column in the List View grid. Select this option to perform the next action for the selected workflow. If the workflow has not yet started, selecting this option starts the workflow.
You can manually process all actions except the Complete step which is automatically scheduled even when you select it from the Form View.
You cannot change a workflow if you are not an assignee on the current assignment row or if the workflow is suspended, cancelled, or closed.
To schedule actions for multiple workflows, use the Workflow Actions options on the List View toolbar.
Reject: Select this option to reject any assignment rows assigned to you for the selected workflows in the grid. You can only use this option if Reject is an allowed action for the current workflow step.
If you do not have access to cancel a workflow, you can still reject a workflow if the rejection action is to cancel.
Suspend: Select this option to suspend the selected workflows. Suspension is performed only after all the suspend-related rules are followed.
Resume: Select this option to resume the workflow for the selected workflows that are suspended.
Reassign: This option allows you to move existing assignments from one user to another and add assignments for additional assignees for one or more workflows. See Reassign a Step in Progress for detailed steps.
PM Compass displays this option if the following are true:
You have access rights to it for at least one workflow category.
You are viewing the workflow in the List View (not Form View).
A flat view is displayed. That is, you cleared the Show Hierarchy check box on the Workflow Search dialog box.
You cannot reassign a workflow if it is closed or suspended.
Complete: Select this option to update the last modified user, populate the Closed Date field with today's date, and mark the workflow as closed.
Cancel: Select this option to stop the workflow and remove all temporary data for the workflow. A workflow that has been cancelled cannot be resumed. You should only cancel a workflow when the workflow will never be approved. When you cancel the workflow, a history record is created regardless of whether or not the workflow was started.
If there is an assignment record for the person who cancelled the workflow, since they "took action," the assignment is updated with Cancelled. If there was never an assignment record for the person who cancelled the workflow, you can only see the person who cancelled the workflow in the workflow history.
If the person cancelling the workflow isn't assigned, you can use Reassign and "add" a new assignment to the current step and then cancel the workflow. This allows you to see the person who cancelled the workflow in the past assignment grid.
This button only displays for a workflow that you created and saved in Model Changes or for a workflow that has not yet started that you created for the Open Plan project that is currently open for the modeling session. You cannot delete workflows created by other users.
If you select this option and the current record is a parent with associated child workflows, you can choose to either delete only the parent which disassociates it from its children, or delete both the parent and its associated children.
Use the options in this menu to run Cobra processes from the form view. This allows you to run these Cobra processes without accessing the Change Details view. The menu displays when the workflow type includes Change Details and you have rights to edit Change Details.
Cost Actions: Click to display the Cost Actions dialog box where you can perform actions such as deleting, replanning, and moving on multiple control accounts and work packages. When you select this option, PM Compass automatically saves the workflow form.
This option is available for a change management workflow type that has a budget class as a change class (for example, Budget Change Request).
Export: Click to export the sandbox project data to an Excel Cobra report for editing. If you have Excel installed on your computer, PM Compass displays the report and saves it to My Documents\Deltek\PM Compass. If you do not have Excel installed, PM Compass emails the Excel file to you and you can open and save the spreadsheet report to a local folder. After editing, you can import your changes back into Change Details (using the Import menu option) as a new or changed amount.
This option is only available when you have specified a Cobra Export Report on the Change Details on Form tab in Workflow Type Configuration. For more information, see Cobra Export Report in Workflow Type Configuration. You must have an email address listed in EPM Security Administrator in order to perform an export.
Import: After you export your data (using the Export menu option) and finish editing it, use this option to import your data back into PM Compass as a new or changed amount. PM Compass imports the spreadsheet data using the configuration file specified on the Change Details Form tab in Administration » Workflow Type Configuration. When you click Import, a File Open dialog box displays where you can select the file you want to import. PM Compass imports the spreadsheet data using the configuration file specified on the Change Details on Form tab in Administration » Work Type Configuration.
To import data from your spreadsheet, it must meet the following requirements:
The spreadsheet must include a tab called Import that contains the budget or forecast data you wish to import.
The data must be in a structure that matches the structure defined in your File Integration Configuration that you set up in Step 3: Configure an Import File Integration Configuration in Cobra.
The Import tab must only contain one class of data.
The Import tab must contain only new or changed values, not replacement values.
This option is available if you are able to edit the workflow form or the Change Details view. You can also perform an import from the Change Details view.
Select one of the following options:
Print Current Workflow: Select this option to prompt PM Compass to determine whether or not the current workflow has a specific report assigned to its type in Workflow Type Configuration. If it does, the system previews the identified report. If it does not, the system displays the Reporting dialog box with the workflow reports displayed and the ID for the current workflow assigned in the Selection column. Only the current workflow is printed. If it is a parent, its associated child records are not printed. If an associated child is the current workflow, only the associated child is printed.
Print Change Details: Select this option to display the Change Details report. This report shows the original budget (or forecast) and the change amount in a time phased format.
This print option is only enabled when Include Change Details on Form is selected on the Workflow Type Configuration Change Details on Form tab.
Click this button to display the BCR Analysis report as an Excel spreadsheet.
This button is enabled if all the following conditions are true:
Snapshots are enabled.
Snapshots are being captured for the selected workflow type.
The workflow has started.
This button is hidden if snapshots are not enabled in the database or if snapshots are not being captured for the selected workflow type.
Click this button to access the online help.
View the workflows assigned to you
View the workflows you created or that are associated with your control accounts
Learn about creating workflow types