Workflows List View Toolbar

Use the options on the List View toolbar to perform actions on a workflow.

For more information see, Workflow Overview and List View.


Use the Search field to filter the workflows that display in the view. The filtered list becomes the default list for the view until you change it by using the Search again and selecting different workflows.

The search popup displays the list of workflows that match the search value unless only one workflow matches the search value, in which case PM Compass displays that workflow in the grid. The popup includes the workflow ID, change number, and title. The change number is the system change number that displays on the Workflow Form General tab unless Cobra is set to have the Cobra change number validated by using a code file (set in Cobra on the Project Properties Fields tab). In this case, you can view the change number on the Advanced tab.

The selections on the Workflow Search dialog box affect the results in this search popup. For example, if Include Child Workflows is selected on the Workflow Search dialog box, the search results will include both the parent and children workflows. When you deselect Include Child Workflows and you perform a search for CAM is Me or a similar search, if PM Compass matches the search criteria to a child workflow, the system returns the parent workflow in the search result. If you need to see the child workflows, you can select Include Child Workflows and re-run the search, or you can use the Child Workflows tab in the Workflow Form View to view the children.

In the Search Text field, enter the name of a workflow that you want to find and press ENTER. If you enter a single character, the system searches for every record that begins with that character. If you enter more than one character, the system searches for every record that contains that string of characters. Alternatively, you can click beside the field to display the Workflow Search dialog box, or you can click to navigate through all saved searches.

For more general search information, see Search Function Tips and Tricks.


Select one of the following options:

  1. The Workflow Type Search dialog box displays. The dialog box displays the workflow types that are active, whose workflow category is active, and to which you have access.

    If you only have access to create a single workflow type, that workflow type is added without displaying a search dialog box.

  1. You can copy a workflow only if the workflow type is active and you have security access to copy it.

  1. PM Compass adds any new child to the parent you currently have selected. This option is disabled if the current row selector is on a workflow that is not set to Workflow can be a parent in Workflow Type Configuration.

Form View

Click to display all the details of the selected workflow.

Workflow Actions

For certain workflow types, Import will display instead of Workflow Actions. See Import below for information about that feature.

Select from the following actions:

  1. You cannot change a workflow if you are not an assignee on the workflows current assignment row or if the workflow is suspended, cancelled, or closed.

    To complete the workflow action manually, open the record in Form View and select the workflow action. See Manually Process a Workflow Action for more information. You can manually process all actions except the Complete step which is automatically scheduled even when you select it from the Workflow Form View.

  2. The System checks when a workflow is approved are not performed when you click Do Required Action on the List View. If you want the system to perform these checks, you must approve each workflow from the Form View.

  1. If you do not have access to cancel a record, you can still reject a record if the rejection action is to cancel.

PM Compass displays this option in the Workflow List View if you have access rights to at least one workflow type in the workflow category selected in the navigation menu.


Click to update the status of all workflows in the list.


For certain workflow types, Workflow Actions displays instead of Import. See Workflow Actions above for information about that feature.

This button is in place of the Start Workflow button that is available for other change management workflow types. Click this button to display the Import dialog box and select a file to import. The button is controlled by the following fields in the workflow type table:


Select one of the following options:


Click this button to access the online help.

What do you want to do?

View the workflows assigned to you

View the workflows you created or that are associated with your control accounts

Learn about the Workflows Search dialog

Learn about the static search options

Learn about workflow navigation

View location

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