Workflows List View

Use the List View to view workflows and assignments. You can choose from various filtering options to determine the information you want to display in the grid. Actions related to assignment steps are also available as a way to suspend, resume, or cancel workflows.

For more information, see Workflows Overview.

List View Toolbar

For information about the options on the toolbar, see List View Toolbar.

Filtering in the List View

PM Compass provides special filters to enable you to quickly view your assigned workflows, workflows you have created, or all workflows to which you have access. In addition, you can use the toolbar Search feature to filter the workflows based on other criteria.

See Filter the Workflow List View for more information.

If you have created a new workflow and are unable to see it in the List View, you may need to verify that the current filter is not excluding the workflow. See Workflow is not Displaying in the List View for more information.

Workflow Grid

This grid displays the workflows in a particular category. You can select the columns to display using the Select Columns Dialog Box.

To see the standard PM Compass field descriptions, see Standard Fields Available for All Workflow Types.

Grid Toolbar



Select Columns


Click to display the Select Columns dialog box and select the columns you want to display in the grid.

For more information about the standard PM Compass fields, see Standard Fields.

Grid Columns

Field Name



Use this field to enter a title for the workflow.

PM Compass only uses the Title you assign in Workflow Type Configuration as the default title for the workflows that the system generates as part of a step or alert process. It does not become the default title for the workflows you manually create.


This field displays a unique key field for each record.

  • Its default value is the prefix from the workflow type, if any, and the 10-digit number that the system generates.

  • Although the system auto-generates this field, you can still edit it after it is generated.

  • Gaps in the sequence of the ID numbers can result if you manually modify the default value or if you delete a workflow.

  • If the auto-generated number is not unique, PM Compass changes it automatically when you save the record. The new value displays, although a message to indicate this does not.

  • If the ID you manually entered is not unique, PM Compass displays an error message that you must change the ID.

  • The counter restarts after a billion workflows have been entered.

Created By

This field displays the originator; the person who created the workflow. The originator is similar to an owner of a file and always has access to the workflows they create. When a workflow is created through the batch processor, the originator is set to the person who set up the batch processing.


This field displays the name of the workflow type.

My Action Required

This field indicates the positive step action for the current step. It is useful when you want to process actions for multiple workflows. It only displays a value when you have a current assignment on the workflow.

For more information, see Manually Process a Step Action, and Schedule a Step Action.

If it is a change management workflow, and the change class is a budget class, PM Compass performs checks for negative undistributed budget, negative management reserve, and negative BAC for the work package. See System Checks When a Workflow is Approved for more details.

My Due Date

This field displays the assignment due date. It is useful for sorting the List View based on the urgency of your assignments.

Step Status

This field displays the In-Progress status for the current step of the workflow.


This field displays the stage or condition of a workflow. This field is useful in creating filters or sorting to show what workflows need to be started, are in progress or closed.  The stage is blank when you add a new workflow. Once the workflow is started, the stage becomes In-progress.  When the workflow is canceled or completed, the stage is Closed.

Workflow Status

This field is based on the In-Progress Step Status defined in Workflow Type Configuration on the Workflow Steps tab. If the workflow has not yet started, the Workflow Status is blank. While the workflow is in progress, the status is based on the In-progress workflow status and is one of these:

  • In-review

  • In-approval 

  • Submitted

  • Active

Once the workflow is closed, it is based on the action taken on the workflow and will be either:

  • Canceled 

  • Completed

  • Published


This field displays the level of urgency for the workflow. It should display the priority options in the order that you set them in the List Tables.

You can find the priority code tables in Administration » List Tables.

Due Date

This field displays the end date for the completion of a workflow.

PM Compass calculates its value using today’s date and the Default Due Date you assigned in Workflow Type Configuration. For example, if the date today is 4/1/10, 5 is the default due date, and there are no working weekend days, 4/8/10 becomes the default due date.

Closed Date

This field displays the date when the workflow is closed. PM Compass assigns today's date to this field.

My Workflow Status

This field indicates the status that you have provided for the step. The step status relates to the workflow while My Step status relates to the condition of your particular assignment. This field is helpful when a step has many assignees.

My Step status is always the same as the workflow step status except when the step has more than one assignee, all of the assignees must complete the step, and you have performed the action required but the other assignees have not. In this case, this field displays the specific action you have performed, which can be, for example, either Approved or Completed.

Clicking the Title hyperlink prompts the system to perform the action indicated in the Action to perform upon workflow link selection field set for that workflow type in Workflow Type Configuration.

Assignments Grid

This grid displays the user assignments for the workflow selected in the Workflow grid. PM Compass creates assignment records at the beginning of the workflow step. There is one assignment record for every person who may advance the workflow. Click a column header to change the sort order.

Grid Toolbar




Click to display this grid, or click to hide it.

Show/Hide Past Assignments

Click this button to display or hide previous assignments.

Grid Columns

Field Name



This field is the step number assigned to the assignment.


This field is the value assigned in the Description field for the step in the Workflow Steps grid.

Action Required

This field is the text of the positive action option for the step (such as Approve and Submit). It is blank if the action has been completed, or if the change request is suspended or closed. It displays None when the assignment is an edit only access assignment (the Edit Only Access checkbox is selected). 


This is field is the label of the user field used for the workflow step. Examples are Control Account Manager, Project Controls Analyst, and Project Manager.

If the change request is assigned manually or is assigned to the originator, this column is blank.


This field is the name of the user responsible for the assignment.


This field indicates that the user who performed the action is a delegate of the original assignee.

Edit Only Access

This field indicates that the assignment was added by the next step approver.

For more information, see Next Step Assignee Can Edit Current Step.

Due Date

This field is the due date for the assignment.

PM Compass calculates its value using today’s date and the Default Due Date you assigned in Workflow Type Configuration. For example, if the date today is 4/1/10, 5 is the default due date, and there are no working weekend days,  4/8/10 becomes the default due date.

This column is blank when the assignment is an edit only access assignment (the Edit Only Access checkbox is selected).

Step Start Date

This field is the date when the step started. This is usually when notifications are sent to the user so that they know there is an action they need to perform.

Action Taken Date

This field is the date when the user took action on the step that changed the step state.

This column is blank when the assignment is an edit only access assignment (the Edit Only Access checkbox is selected).

Action Taken

This field is the action taken that changed the step state.

This column is blank when the assignment is an edit only access assignment (the Edit Only Access checkbox is selected).


This field is the comment entered for an assignment. Click the hyperlink to display the text viewer dialog box.

This column is blank when the assignment is an edit only access assignment (the Edit Only Access checkbox is selected).

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