Workflows Form View Toolbar

Use the Form View toolbar to perform the necessary actions on a workflow.

For more information, see Workflow Overview.


Click this button to save the changes you make to the details of a workflow.

The workflow title displays on the form header after you save a new workflow. If the workflow is a parent, you can click the crosshair to display its child workflows.


Select one of the following options:

List View

Click to display a list of the workflows and assignments in a workflow category.


To refresh the Workflow Actions menu on the form toolbar, click List View and then Form View. To refresh the Workflow Status grid on the Advanced tab, click the Refresh button in the grid header.

See Workflow Actions below for information on how to refresh the menu. See Refresh on the Advanced tab for information about refreshing the information in the Workflow Status grid.

Refresh Budget Details Grid

When you make changes in the Change Details view and you exit the view, PM Compass automatically updates the Budget Details grid on the parent and child workflow forms. You can also click this button to update the grid any time the In-Progress workflow status is In Review. This is useful when you make edits to the sandbox project and you want the workflow form to reflect the edits.

Refresh Source Fields

When you make changes to the source fields while in the Change Details view and you exit the view, PM Compass automatically updates the source fields and recalculates the values in the Cost Details grid on the parent and child workflow forms. You can also click this button to refresh the source fields and recalculate the Cost Details grid values.

You can use this button to refresh source fields when:

Start Workflow

Click to begin the workflow steps. This only displays when the workflow has not yet started.

This menu option displays only for workflows that have not yet started. Only the originator or a member of the SYSADMIN group can see the Start Workflow action.

For a Change Management workflow, when you click Start Workflow, PM Compass checks to see if the control account you selected is currently part of another In-Progress change request for a workflow in the same change management category. If it is, a warning message displays: The Control Account has unapproved Change Management Workflows. Do you want to continue?

This check is performed when you click Start Workflow and when you approve a workflow.

Workflow Actions

This menu option displays after you start the workflow. The menu options that display may vary.

To refresh the list of actions in this menu, click List View then Form View on the toolbar.

Delete Workflow

If you select this option and the current record is a parent with associated child workflows, you can choose to either delete only the parent, which disassociates it from its children, or delete both the parent and its associated children.

If a parent workflow type is set to allow for deletion in Workflow Type Configuration and you choose to delete the parent, all child workflows are deleted; even if the child type indicates that it does not allow deletion.

For a list of conditions that must be met, see Delete a Workflow.


Use the options in this menu to run Cobra processes from the Form view. This allows you to run these Cobra processes without accessing the Change Details view. The menu displays when the workflow type includes Change Details and you have rights to edit Change Details.


Select one of the following options:

BCR Analysis

Click this button to display the BCR Analysis report as an Excel spreadsheet.

This button is enabled if all the following conditions are true:

This button is hidden if snapshots are not enabled in the database or if snapshots are not being captured for the selected workflow type.

PM Compass displays a message if Excel is not installed on the machine where the report is being generated or if the Cobra Web Service is not running or responding. If the BCR Analysis report creation fails and process logs are captured, PM Compass also displays a message informing you to check the process logs on the Links tab for more information.


Click this button to access the online help.

What do you want to do?

View the workflows assigned to you

View the workflows you created or that are associated with your control accounts

Learn about workflow steps

Learn about creating workflow types

View location

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