Approve Cost Progress Form

This form displays the progress entries submitted by your assignees for your approval. These progress entries display on this form only if you are the approver.   

Clicking Approve Progress on the Projects Form toolbar displays the Approve Cost Progress form only if the Source System to Update option for the project is set to Cost on the Progress tab of the Projects form.

Approve Cost Progress Navigation Menu Option

The Approve Cost Progress Navigation menu option under Projects provides an easy way for you to access progress for master projects. Another way you can do this is to select a project from the Projects List View. For more information, see Master Projects.

When you are in the Master Projects view of the Projects List View, you can only use the Approve Cost Progress link on the Navigation menu to navigate. You cannot use the Approve Progress option on the Projects View toolbar.

Record Limit

The Progress and Analysis Record Limit on the System Settings General tab allows you to set the maximum number of records returned in this view. This improves performance when you have thousands of records in a database.

When you open this view and there are more records than the number set in the Progress and Analysis Record Limit field, a message displays letting you know that the selection exceeds the maximum number of records that can be returned. At this point, you can choose to select a filter to reduce the number of records. If you choose not to select a filter, the following message displays: "Your selection exceeds the maximum number of records returned. Only the first <max num> rows will display."

Approve Cost Progress Form Toolbar

The Approve Cost Progress form toolbar includes options for searching, printing, and accepting or rejecting a progress entry.

Grid, Tabs, and Options

The grid, tabs, and options on the Approve Cost Progress Form are the same as the Enter Cost Progress form; however, on this form, only those progress entries submitted by assignees are displayed. 

For more information about the grid, tabs, and options, see the Enter Cost Progress form.

For more information on delegating assignments in the Progress Entries view, see Delegating Assignments and Progress.

What do you want to do?

Approve cost progress

Approve progress for a workflow that is not assigned to you

Steps to run after cost progress is approved

View explanation of variance for a control account or work package

Find control accounts or work packages that are not progressing according to plan

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