Weekly Schedule View

The Weekly Schedule View option in the terminals and Web Time Clock will allow an employee to view his or her schedule for a specific pay week. The pay week is based on the person’s Pay Policy.

The Weekly Schedule View form will list each day’s start and end times, including meals, breaks, and optional schedule times. You can also view the schedules of past and future pay weeks.

You must add the Weekly Schedule View option to your terminal menu; see Add Weekly Schedule View to a Menu Tree for more information.

Weekly Schedule View is a "kiosk" event. You can require users to enter their passwords before accessing this event. See Password Required to Access Kiosk Events for more information. If you are viewing this event from the client terminal, you can also print it. See Print Kiosk Events from Client Terminals for more information.

Note: To view the schedule for a single day only, use the Schedule View button in the client terminal or Web Time Clock.

See Also:

License Requirements

Using the Weekly Schedule View Form

Add Weekly Schedule View to a Menu Tree

Modify the Weekly Schedule View Fields in a Form Profile


License Requirements

This feature requires the following:

To check if the module is included in your license and enabled:

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > System > Licensing.

  2. On the License Modules tab, select the Module Name called Schedules.

  3. The following boxes must be checked: Licensed and Module Enabled.


Using the Weekly Schedule View Form

After you click the Weekly Schedule View icon, you need to select the Posting Date for the weekly schedule you want to view. The default Posting Date is the current date.

After you select the Posting Date, the Weekly Schedule View form opens. This form will display the schedule for each day in the pay week that contains the Posting Date you specified.

Schedule Type displays the Schedule Type (Normal, Exclusion, etc.) with its Start and End. It also displays the start and end of any scheduled Meals or Breaks. The Time column shows the time and date of the schedule’s start, end, and breaks. The format is based on the user’s Date Patter and Time Pattern settings.

To view the previous pay week, click the Prev Week button. To view the next pay week, click the Next Week button.


Add Weekly Schedule View to a Menu Tree

The Weekly Schedule View menu item is available in the TERMINAL_DEFAULT Menu Group. It displays the Weekly Sched View button on a terminal or the Web Time Clock. You may need to add Weekly Schedule View to the Menu Group for your Terminal Profile. To do so:

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Menu Tree.

  2. Select the Menu Group Name for the Terminal Menu to which you want to add the Weekly Schedule View.

  3. Click Add Event.

  4. Select the Weekly Sched View (WEEKLY_SCHEDULE_VIEW) event.

  5. Click Save.


Modify the Weekly Schedule View Fields in a Form Profile

The Weekly Schedule View form has two columns: Schedule Type and Time. You can show, hide, or reorder these columns on the Form Profile form (Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Form Profile).

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Form Configuration > Form Profile.

  2. Select the Form Profile Name you want to modify.

  3. Click the button next to the Terminal Forms item to display the available forms and click Weekly Schedule View.

  4. In the Resultset Fields section, the items in the Selected box will appear on the terminal. The items in the Available box will not appear on the terminal. Use the buttons between these boxes to move the fields from Available to Selected and to reorder the fields.

  5. Click Save.