
Sign Audit

The Sign Audit form is a view-only form that identifies all sign/unsign activities on a time reporter's timecard. Each record applies to one single action. You can set the rules for signing/ unsigning a timecard in the employee's Sign Policy. If a timecard is signed via a payroll lock action, it would appear here also.

See Also:

Sign Audit Field Descriptions

Find a Sign Audit Record

View Map Location of Sign Audit


Sign Audit Field Descriptions


Identifies the person/employee number that the timecard applies to.

Post Date

Post date identifies the year, month and day that the sign or unsign action posted on.

Split Day

A split day refers to a day in a 9-80 schedule, in which 80 hours are worked in nine days instead of ten. On the split day (usually a Friday), the eight hours worked are split between two weeks. Four hours are posted on the day actually worked, and four hours are posted on the day off.

The Split Day column on the Sign Audit form indicates whether the record is for the first or second half of a split day, or for a non-split day.

Non Split: Indicates the sign audit record is for a non-split day. The entire day has been signed or unsigned.

First Half: Indicates the sign audit record is for the first half of a split day. Only the first half of the split day has been signed or unsigned.

Second Half: Indicates the sign audit record is for the second half of a split day. Only the second half of the split day has been signed or unsigned.

Sign Action

A sign action can be SIGN (timecard was signed) or UNSIGN (timecard was unsigned).

Example: If a supervisor has signed a timecard for an employee for whom the Sign Policy does not reflect an Employee Lock, the employee can still post transactions to the timecard. In such case, when the transaction occurs, it would unsign the timecard and the Sign Audit form would show that the timecard has been unsigned by the employee.

Sign Category

Identifies if the sign or unsign action was posted by Employee, Supervisor, Payroll Lock, or manual timecard classification.

EMPLOYEE indicates the employee signed or unsigned the Post Date.

SUPERVISOR indicates the supervisor signed or unsigned the Post Date.

PAYROLL indicates the Post Date has been Payroll Locked.

CLASSIFY indicates the Post Date has been classified via the Classify Period button in the timecard.

Sign Timestamp

The sign timestamp identifies the year, month, day, hours, minutes and seconds that the sign or unsign action occurred on.

Sign Action By

Identifies the person number of the person that posted/triggered the signature. For example, if the signature was posted by a service, it will post as SYSTEM.

Latitude, Longitude

This field is on the Payroll Sign Audit form only; it is not on the Person Sign Audit form.

If a sign action was recorded using the Mobile Client, the Latitude and Longitude fields display the coordinates of the position where the action was recorded.

These fields will only display values if the action was recorded from the Mobile Client application. For all other devices, including the Mobile Client used from a web browser, the location will not be recorded and these fields will be blank.

To view this location on a map, select the record on the Sign Audit form and click the  button at the top of the form.


This field is on the Payroll Sign Audit form only; it is not on the Person Sign Audit form.

If the action was recorded using the Mobile Client, the Accuracy displays the radius in meters for which the Latitude and Longitude coordinates are accurate.

This field will only display values if the action was recorded from the Mobile Client application. For all other devices, including the Mobile Client used from a web browser, the location will not be recorded and this field will be blank.

The Accuracy level depends on how the location was recorded. For example, a location recorded using GPS or a Wi-Fi connection will be more accurate than a location recorded using cell phone tower triangulation. You can use the ACCURACY_TOLERANCE_LEVEL setting in a Terminal Profile to restrict signing and event posting based on a location’s accuracy level.


Find a Sign Audit Record

  1. Click Main Menu > Payroll > Sign Audit.

  2. If the record you are searching for is not visible on the form, you can use the filter to search for it. Click the Filter icon to display the filter.

  3. You can enter a Person Number to search for a specific person. If you want to view only signed or unsigned records, select a Sign Action, or, if you want to view audit records for a specific date, you can select Start and/or End dates.

  4. Click Find to display the records that match your search criteria.