
Scheduled Group

The Scheduled Group tab on the Scheduled Events form is used to define the Employee Groups for which a specific event schedule applies.

If an event schedule does not have All Supervised checked, you will need to use this tab to define the persons for which the schedule applies.

A supervisor can select Employee Groups (type DIRECT, SUPERVISOR_MANAGER) or Hierarchy Elements for which he or she is defined as a Manager. These same options are available in the Supervision Type filter in Current Situation and other supervisor forms.

An administrator can also select Employee Groups based on the settings in their Security Data Role.

You cannot assign an event schedule to individual persons.

See Also:

Scheduled Group Field Descriptions

Add an Employee Group to an Event Schedule

Delete an Employee Group from an Event Schedule


Scheduled Group Field Descriptions

Employee Group Type, Employee Group Name

The event schedule will apply to persons who are members of this Employee Group or Hierarchy Element.

When you select an Employee Group Type, the available Employee Group Names will depend on which Employee Groups or hierarchy elements you manage and/or the settings in your Security Data Role.

Start Status

Indicates whether the SCHEDULED_EVENT service has processed the start of the event schedule for the specified Person Group Name.

If this event schedule is for an Elapsed event, the Start Status indicates whether the SCHEDULED_EVENT service has posted the Event on the specified Post Date.

If this event schedule is for a Punch Start or Punch Pair event, the Start Status indicates whether the SCHEDULED_EVENT service has posted the Start Timestamp for the Event.

End Status

Indicates whether the SCHEDULED_EVENT service has processed the end of the event schedule for the specified Person Group Name.

If this event schedule is posting the Event as a Punch Pair, the End Status indicates whether the SCHEDULED_EVENT service has posted the End Timestamp for the Event.

Date Created, Created By

Date and time when this schedule group record was created and the person who created it.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Add a Employee Group to an Event Schedule

  1. Click Main Menu > Manage > Scheduled Events and select the event schedule to which you want to add Person Groups.

  2. Make sure the All Supervised box is not checked for the schedule you select. You cannot add a Scheduled Group if the event schedule has All Supervised checked.

  3. On the Scheduled Group tab, click Add.

  4. Select the Person Group Type and Person Group Name of the persons to whom this event schedule will apply.

    When you select a Person Group Type, the available Person Group Names will depend on which Person Groups or hierarchy elements you manage and/or the settings in your Security Data Role.

  5. To save your selection and keep the Add window open so you can add more groups, click Save and Add. When you finish adding groups, click Save to save the selection and return to the main form.


Delete an Employee Group from an Event Schedule

On the Scheduled Events form, select an event schedule. Go to the Scheduled Groups tab, select the record you want to delete and click Delete.

You cannot modify or delete a scheduled group with a Start Status or End Status of Processing or Complete.