
Scheduled Events Form

Detail Form: Scheduled Group

The Scheduled Events form is used to create event schedules. Event schedules are used by the SCHEDULED_EVENT service to post Suspend events such as fire drills or team meetings to employee timecards. The service will start and/or end the event so employees do not have to post the event themselves. The labor, break, or meal event that was in progress when the Suspend event started will still be in progress when the Suspend event ends.

The event schedule determines whether the SCHEDULED_EVENT service will post the event as a punch event or an elapsed event. For a punch event, the SCHEDULED_EVENT service can post both the start and end of the event, or the service can start the event and the employee can end it.

Note: The service will select schedules based on the Employee Group of the supervisor or administrator who created the schedule; you will need to configure the service’s Employee Group Values accordingly.

See Also:

Scheduled Events Field Descriptions

Find an Event Schedule

Add an Event Schedule

Copy, Modify, or Delete an Event Schedule


Scheduled Events Field Descriptions


Name of the ATTENDANCE:SUSPEND event that will be posted by the SCHEDULED_EVENT service when it processes this schedule.


Description of the event schedule.


Check this box to enable the schedule so it can be processed by the SCHEDULED_EVENT service.

Punch Type

When you add or modify an event schedule, you need to select a Punch Type. This field indicates how the Event will be posted on the timecard. Refer to the Scheduled Events feature topic for examples.

Punch Pair – The SCHEDULED_EVENT service will post both the Start Timestamp and End Timestamp of the Event. You will need to select a Start Timestamp and an End Timestamp if you select this option.

Punch Start Only - The SCHEDULED_EVENT service will post the start (Start Timestamp) of the Event. The employee will have to end the Event when he or she returns to work.

Elapsed - The SCHEDULED_EVENT service will post the Event on the specified Post Date for the specified Duration.

Start Timestamp

Date and time when the Event will begin. You must select a Start Timestamp if your Punch Type is Punch Pair or Punch Start Only.

End Timestamp

Date and time when the Event will end. You must select an End Timestamp if your Punch Type is Punch Pair.


Select the timezone for the location where the Start and End Timestamps will be posted.

Post Date

You need to select a Post Date if your Punch Type is Elapsed. Post Date is the date on the timecard when the Event will post.


If your Punch Type is Elapsed, you need to enter the Duration for which the Event will post. The hours format will depend on the Duration Format in your Preferences (e.g., 15 minutes may be displayed as 00:15 or 0.25).

All Supervised

Check this box if the event schedule should apply to all the persons over which the schedule creator has authority. If you do not check this box, you will need to use the Scheduled Group tab to select the Employee Groups for which this schedule applies.

Start Status

Indicates whether the SCHEDULED_EVENT service has posted the event for all applicable employees.

If this event schedule is for an Elapsed event, the Start Status indicates whether the SCHEDULED_EVENT service has posted the Event on the specified Post Date.

If this event schedule is for a Punch Start or Punch Pair event, the Start Status indicates whether the SCHEDULED_EVENT service has posted the Start Timestamp for the Event.

Note: If All Supervised is not checked, you can view the Start Status of each Employee Group on the Scheduled Group tab. The schedule’s Start Status will not change to Complete until the Start Status for each Employee Group is also Complete.

End Status

If this event schedule is posting the Event as a Punch Pair, the End Status indicates whether the SCHEDULED_EVENT service has posted the End Timestamp for the Event.

Note: If All Supervised is not checked, you can view the End Status of each Employee Group on the Scheduled Group tab. The schedule’s End Status will not change to Complete until the End Status for each Employee Group is also Complete.

Date Created, Created By

Date and time when this event schedule was created and the person who created it.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find an Event Schedule

Click the  Filter icon at the top of the form to display the filter fields. Use these fields to select the type of event schedules you want to view on the form, and then click Find.

Use the Status field to display schedules based on either the Start Status or the End Status.

Use the Event Name field to select event schedules that are posting a specific event.

Use the Start Date and End Date fields to select event schedules with a specific Start Timestamp or Post Date. Punch events will be filtered by the Start Timestamp and Elapsed events will be filtered by the Post Date.


Add an Event Schedule

  1. Click Main Menu > Manage > Scheduled Events and click Add.

  2. Select the Event that will be posted for this event schedule. Available options are events of type ATTENDANCE:SUSPEND.

  3. Enter a Description of the event schedule.

  4. Check the Enabled box to allow the schedule to be processed by the SCHEDULED_EVENT service.

  5. Select the appropriate Punch Type.

  6. You must select a Start Timestamp if your Punch Type is Punch Pair or Punch Start Only.

  7. You must select an End Timestamp if your Punch Type is Punch Pair.

  8. Select the Timezone for the location where the Start and End Timestamps will be posted.

  9. You need to select a Post Date if your Punch Type is Elapsed. Post Date is the date on the timecard when the Event will post.

  10. If your Punch Type is Elapsed, you need to enter the Duration for which the Event will post.

  11. Check the All Supervised box if the event schedule should apply to all persons over whom the schedule creator has authority. If you do not check this box, you will need to use the Scheduled Group tab to select the Employee Groups for which this schedule applies.

  12. To keep the Add pop-up window open so you can create another event schedule, click Save and Add. Otherwise, click Save to save your schedule and return to the main form.


Copy, Modify, or Delete an Event Schedule