
Recalculation Policy

The Recalculation Policy is used to determine whether an employee's timecard transactions should be marked for being out of compliance with their Pay Rules, and what changes need to be made to recalculate the timecard and make it compliant.

Non-compliance can occur in a variety of situations. For example, if a supervisor adjusts the timecard, the transaction may not comply with the pay rules. Or, the gap days at the beginning of a pay period need to be processed after the scheduled days in order to receive overtime.

An employee's transactions will be checked for recalculation if the employee is assigned a Recalculation Policy that is enabled. The Process Order in the Recalculation Policy will be used to mark transactions that may need recalculation. When you run the RECALCULATION service or use the Recalculate buttons, the employee's timecard will be brought into compliance with their Pay Rules based on the settings in the Recalculation Policy.

A Recalculation Policy also determines if there are any restrictions in place when recalculating timecards. For example, a Require Locks setting may prevent recalculation for employees whose timecards are not locked appropriately.

This policy can be assigned to a single Employee/Person via the Employee Setting form, to an Employee Group with type POLICY_GROUP or FACILITY via the Employee Group Setting form, or to all users via the System Settings form. An Employee setting overrides an Employee Group setting, which overrides a System Setting. See Settings Precedence for more details.

See Also:

Recalculation Feature

Recalculation Examples

Recalculation Policy Field Descriptions

Add a Recalculation Policy

Modify a Recalculation Policy

Copy a Recalculation Policy

Delete a Recalculation Policy


Recalculation Policy Field Descriptions

Policy Name

Name of the Recalculation Policy.


When this box is checked, the Recalculation Policy is enabled/active. An employee's transactions will be checked for recalculation if the employee is assigned a Recalculation Policy that is enabled.

Period Type

Indicates whether recalculation will process transactions in pay weeks or pay periods. A person's actual pay weeks and pay periods are configured in the person's Pay Policy.

Week - Recalculation processes pay weeks. This setting is the default value.

Period - Recalculation processes pay periods.

Max Periods Back

Maximum number of periods/weeks prior to the current period/week for which recalculation will search for days that need corrections.

This setting is used by the Recalculate button in the timecard; the Recalc Time Card button in the Person Schedule and Schedule Cycle forms; and the RECALCULATION service. This setting is not used by the Unrestricted Recalc button in the timecard.

Max Periods Back is the search range for days that need recalculation; the full week or pay period that contains the days will be recalculated.

If you enter 1 (the default and minimum value), the service will search for days in the current period/week and the previous period/week.

For example, a company has weekly pay periods. The current period and previous three periods are shown below along with the Max Periods Back setting needed for recalculation to process that period.

Pay Period to Recalculate

Max Periods Back Setting Required

Current Period -
Week of November 27

1 or higher

Week of November 20

1 or higher

Week of November 13

2 or higher

Week of November 6

3 or higher

Note that if you use the Unrestricted Recalc button to recalculate a timecard, the Max Periods Back setting will not be used. You will be able to recalculate any prior pay week or pay period.

Process Order

Determines the order in which transactions for a person in the week or period are processed.

Chronological - Recalculation will process transactions in the order of their post dates and time stamps. Transactions at the end of the period will most likely receive premium pay classifications (overtime, double-time, etc.) based on pay rules with weekly or period hours thresholds. Attendance events such as holidays and vacations may also receive overtime. See Example 1 in Recalculation Examples for more information.

Event Type Then ChronologicalThis method is the default Process Order (it is used in the System Default Recalculation Policy). It first processes Attendance events chronologically by post date and timestamp and then processes Labor Events chronologically by post date and timestamp. The Event Type Then Chronological Process Order helps prevent Attendance events such as holidays and vacation from receiving premium pay classifications (overtime, double-time, etc.) based on pay rules with weekly or period hours thresholds. See Example 2 in Recalculation Examples for more information.

Scheduled Days Then Gap DaysRecalculation will first process scheduled days chronologically, and then process gap days chronologically. This Process Order may be used when a pay period begins with gap days, but the gap days are to receive premium pay classifications (overtime, double-time, etc.) based on pay rules with weekly or period hours thresholds. The gap days need to process after the scheduled days, even though chronologically they are before the scheduled days. See Example 6 in Recalculation Examples for more information. Note that if you select this Process Order, you should plan on running the RECALCULATION service infrequently, at most once a day. See How Often to Run the RECALCULATION Service for more information.

Attendance Then Labor Scheduled Days Then Gap DaysRecalculation will first process Attendance events chronologically, then Labor events on scheduled days chronologically, and finally Labor events on gap days chronologically. This Process Order is similar to the Scheduled Days Then Gap Days method, but it will process Attendance events first to prevent Attendance events from receiving premium pay classifications (overtime, double-time, etc.) based on pay rules with weekly or period hours thresholds. See Example 5 in Recalculation Examples for more information. Note that if you select this Process Order, you should plan on running the RECALCULATION service infrequently, at most once a day. See How Often to Run the RECALCULATION Service for more information.

Affect Signatures

This check box controls whether the RECALCULATION service will change person and supervisor signatures when it processes transactions.

If you check this box, the RECALCULATION service will affect the signatures based upon the person’s Sign Policy, as if a supervisor made an adjustment.

If you do not check this box, the RECALCULATION service will not change the signatures in any way, leaving them exactly as they were.

Payroll Lock

Indicates whether or not Payroll Locks must be on a person’s timecard in order for the RECALCULATION service to process the week/period.

The Recalculation Service does not change a record's payroll lock status when it processes transactions. Locked records will not be unlocked, and vice versa.

For split days in 9-80 schedules, the first and second half of a split day can be locked independently. Only the half that meets the Recalculation Policy’s payroll lock requirements will be processed by the RECALCULATION service.

Require Locks - The RECALCULATION service will only process the transactions when the entire week or pay period is locked for payroll.

Require No Locks - The RECALCULATION service will only process transactions when the entire week or pay period is not locked for payroll.

Ignore - The RECALCULATION service will process transactions regardless of the week or pay period's payroll locks. Both locked and unlocked transactions will be processed.

If your Sign Policy includes both the PAYROLL and CLASSIFY Sign Triggers, you must set Payroll Lock to Require Locks or Ignore. When these Sign Triggers are enabled, a signature will lock the timecard first, and then classify it. However, classification is affected by the Recalculation Policy. Therefore, if Payroll Lock is set to Require No Locks, then classification will not occur because the timecard is already payroll locked.

If you want a signature to both payroll lock and classify the timecard (your Sign Policy includes both the PAYROLL and CLASSIFY Sign Triggers), make sure you set Payroll Lock in the Recalculation Policy to Require Locks or Ignore.

Posting Marking

When an event posting (add, delete, modify, etc.) marks a day as needing recalculation, the Posting Marking setting determines whether the other days in the week or period will also be marked as needing recalculation.

Day Only - Only the day with the event posting will be marked as needing recalculation.

Day and Forward – The day with the event posting and all days up to the current date will be marked as needing recalculation. If you are using Consecutive Day Pay Rules, you may want to use the Day and Forward setting to ensure the consecutive days are processed correctly.

If you leave this field blank, it is the same as selecting the Day Only option.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Add a Recalculation Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Recalculation Policy.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Enter a Policy Name.

  4. Check the Enabled box to enable the policy.

  5. Select a Period Type.

  6. Select the Max Periods Back setting.

  7. Select a Process Order.

  8. Check the Affect Signatures box if you want the RECALCULATION service to affect the signatures based upon the person’s Sign Policy, as if a supervisor made an adjustment. If you do not check this box, the RECALCULATION service will not change the signatures in any way, leaving them exactly as they were.

  9. Select a Payroll Lock setting.

  10. If you want an event posting (add, delete, modify, etc.) to mark the day with the event posting and all days in the week or period up to the current date as needing recalculation, select Day and Forward from the Posting Marking field. If you are using Consecutive Day Pay Rules, you may want to use the Day and Forward setting to ensure the consecutive days are processed correctly.

  11. Click Save.


Modify a Recalculation Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Recalculation Policy.

  2. Select the record you want to modify and click Modify.

  3. Modify the settings and click Save.


Copy a Recalculation Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Recalculation Policy.

  2. Select the record you want to copy and click Copy.

  3. Modify the settings and click Save.


Delete a Recalculation Policy

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Recalculation Policy.

  2. Select the record you want to delete and click Delete.

  3. Click OK to confirm the action.