The Other Context tab on the Color Policy form is used to configure the background and foreground colors for the options that display on the following forms:
Current Status column on the Current Situation form
KPI Efficiency, Productivity, and Utilization portlets in the KPI Dashboard and Supervisor Dashboards
Schedule Types in the Schedule Cycle and Person Schedule form
Status and Error Log Count columns on the Service Monitor form
Terminal Status column on the Terminal Monitor form
See Also:
Other Context - Field Descriptions
Configure the "Other Context" Colors
Context Name
A Context Name is a group of values that display in a particular form. You can configure different foreground and background colors for each item in a Context Name.
For example, you can use the Current Status context to configure the colors for the different statuses that display on the Current Situation form (Absent, In, Out, etc.).
Applies To
Indicates whether the color for the item will display in a row or cell on the form.
If you select Row, the colors of the context items you select will apply to the entire row on the form.
If you select Cell, the colors of the context items you select will apply only to the cell on the form where the context item displays.
Status List
Name of the context item for which the colors are being configured. The available options will depend on the Context Name you selected.
The Sample field shows what the cell or row will look like with the selected foreground and background colors.
Set Background Color, Set Foreground Color
Use these fields to select the background and foreground colors for the item in the Status List. The Sample field will show you what the colors look like on actual text.
When you select a foreground and background color, the color and its HEX value will display in the field.
You can also enter the color's HEX value directly in the field.
If you are modifying the colors for the LOW_ZONE, HIGH_ZONE, or MIDDLE_ZONE items in the KPI contexts, you can only set the background color.
When you add or modify the LOW_ZONE, HIGH_ZONE, or MIDDLE_ZONE items in the KPI contexts, you can use this field to change the upper limit of these zones in the gauge charts.
A Context Name is a group of values that display in a particular form. You can configure different foreground and background colors for each item in a Context Name.
For example, you can use the Current Status context to configure the colors for the different statuses that display on the Current Situation form (Absent, In, Out, etc.).
Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Color Policy.
Select a Policy Name on the Color Policy form and click Find.
Click the Other Context tab.
Select the Context Name of the items you want to modify. You can use the Context Name filter to display only the items from a specific context on the form.
Select the item for which you want to configure the colors and click Modify.
If the context you selected has no items to modify, click Add.
Use the fields on the pop-up form to create or modify the colors for the context item.
Click Save on the Other Context tab when you are finished.