
OT Response

The OT Response form is used by employees to review and respond to overtime offers. Employees can accept, refuse, acknowledge, or add comments to an overtime offer using this form. Employees can also add comments to an overtime offer and track the status changes of an overtime offer.

Note that employees can also accept and refuse overtime offers using the client terminal. To do so, the OT_RESPONSE_VIEW event must be included in your terminal’s Menu Tree.

See Also:



Offer Comments





OT Response Field Descriptions


This field displays the status of the overtime offer. Employees can accept, refuse, or acknowledge an overtime offer in this form. For more information on the other statuses listed below, see OT Offer Detail.


If this check box is selected, the offer is authorized by the supervisor. When an offer is authorized, an overtime schedule is created. The type of schedule that is created depends on whether the overtime is mandatory or optional (see below).

Overtime Type

This field displays when the overtime will occur. Options are:

Start Post Date, End Post Date

These fields indicate the start and end dates for the overtime.


This field Indicates whether the overtime is mandatory or optional.

If the overtime is mandatory, when the offer is authorized, an overtime schedule is created with a Normal schedule type. A Normal schedule must be followed by the employee or there will be a violation if the time is not posted.

If the overtime is optional, when the offer is authorized, an overtime schedule will be created with an Optional schedule type. An Optional schedule may not be followed by the employee, and no violation is committed if the time is not posted.

You can view these overtime schedules on the Employee Schedule form.

Total Hours

If the Overtime Type is Gap or Holiday, this field indicates the total number of overtime hours the employee works.

If the Overtime Type is Before After, this field indicates the sum of the Before Hours and After Hours field values.

Before Hours

If the Overtime Type is Before After, this field indicates the amount of overtime hours the employee will work before their schedule. The value is in decimal hours or HH:MM. The default value is 0. Before Hours is not available if the Overtime Type is Gap or Holiday.

After Hours

If the Overtime Type is Before After, this field indicates the amount of overtime hours the employee will work after their schedule. The value is in decimal hours or HH:MM. The default value is 0. After Hours is not available if the Overtime Type is Gap or Holiday.

Cutoff Date

This displays the date and time when the overtime offer expires. This field defaults to the day after the offer was created.

Employees may still accept/refuse an expired offer; the offer’s status will change to Accepted After Cutoff or Refused After Cutoff.

If an offer has a status of Offered or Acknowledged but has expired per the Cutoff Date, the EXPIRE_OFFERS service will update the offer status to Refused After Cutoff.

Note: Offers with a status of Refused After Cutoff can still be accepted. The status will change to Accepted After Cutoff.


This field displays any comments that are added to the overtime offer.

Created By

This field identifies the person who created the overtime offer.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Accept Overtime Offer

  1. Click Main Menu > Self Service > OT Response.

  2. Select the overtime offer and click Accept.

    The OT Accept Offer pop-up form displays.

  3. You can enter a comment in the Comment box.

  4. Click Accept.


Refuse Overtime Offer

  1. Click Main Menu > Self Service > OT Response.

  2. Select the overtime offer and click Refuse.

    The OT Refuse Offer pop-up form displays.

  3. You can enter a comment in the Comment box.

  4. Click Refuse.


Offer Comments

To view comments that are made by the person who created the overtime offer:

  1. Select the officer in the main form and click Offer Comments.

    The OT Offer Comment form displays.

  2. Use this form to view comments about the overtime offer that were made by the supervisor in the OT Offer form.

  3. Click to close the form.


Add, Modify, Delete Comments

To add, modify, and delete your comments about the overtime offer:

  1. Select the offer in the main form and click Comments.

    The OT Action Comments form displays.

  2. In addition to your comments, this form shows comments made in the OT Offer Detail form by the supervisor who created the offer.

    You may need to resize the Comment column to view the entire comment.

    You can Modify and Delete comments that you entered. You can also Add a new comment and Copy (duplicate) an existing comment.

  3. Click to close the form.



The Audit button is used to track the status changes of an overtime offer. You can view when the offer was created (pending), offered, accepted, etc.

When you click Audit, the OT Action Audit pop-up form displays. The OT Action Audit pop-up form has the following fields:

Person Num, Person Name

These fields indicate the person to whom the overtime was offered.


This field displays the status of the offer (e.g., Pending, Offered, Authorized, etc.)

Action Date, Action By

These field indicate when the action occurred, and who performed the action.


To track the status changes of an overtime offer:

  1. Click Audit.

    The OT Action Audit pop-up form displays.

    You can view the information in the fields on the OT Action Audit pop-up form.

  2. Click Cancel to close form.



The Acknowledge button is used to acknowledge an OT offer before deciding to refuse or accept. When you click Acknowledge, the offer’s status changes to Acknowledged.