
OT Offer

The OT Offer form allows you to create an overtime offer and select a group of employees to work overtime. Once you define the employees, day of the overtime hours, and number of overtime hours, you can present the offer verbally or electronically.

Employees can accept or refuse the offer using the OT Response form. A supervisor can also accept or refuse an offer on behalf of the employee using the OT Offer Detail tab.

Detail Form:

OT Offer Detail

See Also:

OT Offer Field Descriptions

Find an OT Offer

Add an OT Offer

Modify an OT Offer

Copy an OT Offer

Offer Comments

Add Person(s)

Add Pool(s)

Cancel an OT Offer


OT Offer Field Descriptions

OT Offer Policy Name

This identifies the OT Offer Policy that is assigned to the person who is currently logged in.

Offer Status

This identifies the current status of the overtime offer. The following statuses are available:

Overtime Type

This indicates when the overtime will occur. Options are Before After (before or after schedule), Gap, and Holiday.

The Gap option will only be available if the person's OT Offer Policy has Gap Overtime selected.


This indicates whether the overtime is Mandatory or Optional.

If the overtime is Mandatory, when the offer is authorized, an overtime schedule will be created with the Schedule Type Normal. A Normal schedule is one that the employee must follow; there will be a violation if time is not posted.

If the overtime is Optional, when the offer is authorized, an overtime schedule will be created with the Schedule Type Optional. An Optional schedule is one for which the employee will not receive a violation if time is not posted.

You can view these overtime schedules on the Person Schedule form.

Start Post Date, End Post Date

These are the start and end dates for the overtime.

Before Hours

When the Overtime Type is Before After, this value is the amount of overtime hours you want the employee to work before their schedule. The value is in decimal hours or HH:MM. The default value is 0. Before Hours is not available if the Overtime Type is Gap or Holiday.

After Hours

When the Overtime Type is Before After, this value is the amount of overtime hours you want the employee to work after their schedule. The value is in decimal hours or HH:MM. The default value is 0. After Hours is not available if the Overtime Type is Gap or Holiday.

Total Hours

If the Overtime Type is Gap or Holiday, this field is the total number of overtime hours that the employee will work.

When the Overtime Type is Before After, the Total Hours is the sum of the Before Hours and After Hours.

Cutoff Date

This is the date and time when the overtime offer expires. This field defaults to the day after the offer was created.

Employees may still accept/refuse an expired offer; the offer’s status will change to Accepted After Cutoff or Refused After Cutoff.

If an offer has a status of Offered or Acknowledged and has expired per the Cutoff Date, the EXPIRE_OFFERS service will update the offer status to Refused After Cutoff.

Note that offers with a status of Refused After Cutoff can still be accepted. The status will change to Accepted After Cutoff.

Req. Emp. Amount

This is the requested employees amount which is the number of employees that will be requested to work this overtime offer.


This field displays any comments that were added to the overtime offer. The employee can read these comments when they view the overtime offer on the OT Response form.

Date Created, Created By

This identifies when the overtime offer was created and the person who created the overtime offer.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find an OT Offer

  1. Click Main Menu > Manage > OT Offer.

  2. Click the Filter button to display the filter fields.

  3. You can use the following filter fields to narrow your search: Shift, Schedule Cycle, Pay Scale Name, Pay Class, Pay Level, Show Expired, Facility, Supervision Type, and Include Direct.

  4. Click Find.

    The overtime offers matching your filter settings will appear on the OT Offer form.


Add an OT Offer

  1. Click Main Menu > Manage > OT Offer.

  2. Click Add.

    The OT Offer Policy Name field displays the name of the OT Offer Policy assigned to the person who is currently logged in.

  3. In the Req. Persons Amount field, enter the number of people that will be requested to work the overtime offer.

  4. Select an Overtime Type (Before After, Holiday, or Gap).

  5. From the Required field, select Mandatory or Optional.

  6. Select the Start Post Date and End Post Date for the overtime.

  7. If you selected Before After as the Overtime Type, enter the Before Hours and/or After Hours for the offer.

  8. If you selected Gap or Holiday as the Overtime Type, enter the Total Hours for the offer.

  9. Select a Cutoff Date for the overtime offer.

  10. Enter a comment in the Comment box (optional).

  11. If you want to add more than one overtime offer, click Save and Add to save the current offer and keep the Add OT Offer pop-up form open. Click Save to save the current offer and return to the main form.


Modify an OT Offer

Note: When an offer is modified and saved, a new offer is created. The previous version gets a status of Cancelled. Exception: A new offer will not be created if only the Req. Persons Amount field is modified.

  1. Click Main Menu > Manage > OT Offer.

  2. Find the record you want to change and click Modify (or double-click the record).

  3. Modify the record and click Save.


Copy an OT Offer

  1. Click Main Menu > Manage > OT Offer.

  2. Select the record you want to duplicate and click Copy.

  3. Modify fields as necessary.

  4. If you want to add another overtime offer, click Save and Add to save the current offer and keep the Copy OT Offer pop-up form open. Click Save to save the current offer and return to the main form.


Offer Comments

To view comments that you made when you created the overtime offer, select the offer on the main form and click the Offer Comments button. The OT Offer Comment form will open.

When you are done, click the button to close the form.


Add Person(s)

The Add Person(s) button is used to select the persons who will receive the overtime offer. You can select from a list of persons you supervise. Only persons you supervise who are not yet associated with the offer or who had the offer Revoked will appear on this form.

Note: To select from a list of persons for which you are an OVERTIME_POOL Manager, use the Add Pool(s) button.

To use the Add Person(s) button:

  1. Click Main Menu > Manage > OT Offer.

  2. Select an overtime offer and click Add Person(s).

    The OT Add Person pop-up form appears.

    Note: Only persons who are not yet associated with the offer or who had the offer Revoked will appear on this form.

  3. To find specific persons, click the Filter button to display the filter fields. Select your search criteria and click Find. The OT Add Person form will update with the appropriate persons.

    The Over Day Threshold field displays a red X when the supervisor has exceeded the Max. Hrs. Per Day in their OT Offer Policy. This threshold is exceeded when the sum of not-cancelled overtime response records for any date in the offer range, plus the current offer's hours per day, is larger than the Max. Hrs. Per Day in the supervisor's OT Offer Policy.

    The Over Week Threshold field displays a red X when the supervisor has exceeded the Max. Hrs. Per Week in their OT Offer Policy. This threshold is exceeded when the sum of not-cancelled overtime response records in the week, plus any hours from the current offer that also fall in that week, is larger than the Max. Hrs. Per Week in the supervisor's OT Offer Policy.

  4. Select the persons who will receive the overtime offer. To select multiple employees, press the CTRL key as you click them. You can select up to 50 employees at a time (the maximum number of records that can display on the form on one page).

  5. Click Save.

    The persons you added will appear on the OT Offer Detail tab at the bottom of the OT Offer form.

    You will use the OT Offer Detail form to offer the overtime to the person and authorize the overtime once the person accepts the offer.


Add Pool(s)

The Add Pool(s) button is used to select persons other than those you supervise to receive the overtime offer. You can select from a list of persons for which you are an OVERTIME_POOL Manager.

Only persons in your OVERTIME_POOL group who are not yet associated with the offer, including persons who had the offer Revoked, will appear on this form.

Note: To select from a list of persons you supervise, use the Add Person(s) button.

To use the Add Pool(s) button:

  1. Click Main Menu > Manage > OT Offer.

  2. Select an overtime offer and click Add Pool(s).

    The OT Pool pop-up form appears.

  3. If necessary, click the Filter button to display the filter fields.

  4. From the OT Pool field, select the OVERTIME_POOL groups with the employees you want to offer overtime. Press the CTRL key and click to select multiple OVERTIME_POOL groups. Only the OVERTIME_POOL groups for which you are a manager will be available.

    You can also use the Person Num, Shift, Schedule Cycle, and Facility fields to narrow your selection.

    Note: Only persons who are not yet associated with the offer, including persons who had the offer Revoked, will appear on this form.

  5. Click Find.

    The OT Pool form will display the appropriate persons in the middle of the form. The OT Pool field lists all the OVERTIME_POOL groups to which the employee belongs.

    The Over Day Threshold field displays a red X when the supervisor has exceeded the Max. Hrs. Per Day on their OT Offer Policy. This threshold is exceeded when the sum of not-cancelled overtime response records for any date in the offer range, plus the current offer's hours per day, is larger than the Max. Hrs. Per Day in the supervisor's OT Offer Policy.

    The Over Week Threshold field displays a red X when the supervisor has exceeded the Max. Hrs. Per Week in their OT Offer Policy. This threshold is exceeded when the sum of not-cancelled overtime response records in the week, plus any hours from the current offer that also fall in that week, is larger than the Max. Hrs. Per Week in the supervisor's OT Offer Policy.

  6. Select the persons who will receive the overtime offer. To select multiple employees, press the CTRL key as you click them. You can select up to 50 employees at a time (the maximum number of records that can display on the form on one page).

  7. Click Save.

    The persons you added will appear on the OT Offer Detail tab at the bottom of the OT Offer form.

    You will use the OT Offer Detail form to offer the overtime to the person and authorize the overtime once the person accepts the offer.


Cancel an Overtime Offer

The Cancel button is used to cancel a Pending or Offered overtime offer. When an offer is cancelled, it can no longer be accepted, refused, acknowledged, or authorized.

  1. Click Main Menu > Manage > OT Offer.

  2. Select the offer and click Cancel.

    The OT Cancel Offer pop-up form appears.

  3. Enter an (optional) comment in the Comment box.

  4. Click Cancel Offer.

    The Offer Status will change to Cancelled.