Log Settings

Detail Forms:

Modules tab

Terminals tab

Services tab

The Log Settings form allows a system administrator to change the logging level of the application, terminals, and services while the programs are running. You can also view a log file from this form.

The logging level is the amount of information that is included in the program's log file. For example, you may only want to log errors or you may want to include warnings and more detailed general information about what the program is doing. You can also change the logging level of each component. For example, you may want to change the logging level of the application server to DEBUG, while keeping the logging levels of the other modules at ERROR.

By default, the application uses the logging settings in the <Trace> section of the config.xml file. These settings apply to the application, all services, and all terminals unless you specify otherwise in the Log Settings form.

The log files can be found in the \logs folder in your AUTOTIME_HOME folder.

See Also:

Logging Levels

View a Log File

Modify the Logging Level

Reset the Logging Level

Modules tab

Terminals tab

Services tab


Logging Levels

The Logging Levels are:

OFF: Logging is turned off. No information will be recorded in the log files.

FATAL: Only fatal errors will be included in the log file.

ERROR: Errors and fatal errors will be included in the log file. This is the default and recommended logging level.

WARN: Warnings, errors, and fatal errors will be included in the log file.

INFO: Information, warnings, errors, and fatal errors will be included in the log file.

DEBUG: Debugging information, other information, warnings, errors, and fatal errors will be included in the log file.

NOTE: The Info and Debug levels will produce very large log files.


View a Log File

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > System > Log Settings.

  2. Click the Modules, Terminals, or Services tab.

  3. Select the component for which you want to view the log file.

  4. Click View Log. A File Download window will ask if you want to Open or Save the file.

  5. Click Open to view the log file or click Save to save a copy to a specific location.


Modify the Logging Level

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > System > Log Settings.

  2. Click the Modules, Terminals, or Services tab.

  3. Select the components for which you want to change the logging level. To select more than one item, press the CTRL key as you click to select them.

  4. Click Modify.

  5. Select a new Level from the drop-down list (OFF, FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, or DEBUG).

  6. Click Save.


Reset the Logging Level

Use the Reset button to change the logging level of selected modules, terminals, or services to the default value (ERROR).

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > System > Log Settings.

  2. Click the Modules, Terminals, or Services tab.

  3. Select the components for which you want to reset the logging level. To select more than one item, press the CTRL key as you click to select them.

  4. Click Reset. The logging level will change to ERROR.


Modules tab

The Modules tab on the Log Settings form allows you to view log files and change the logging level for the program modules. See Modify the Logging Level and Reset the Logging Level for information on changing the logging level of these modules. See View a Log File for information on viewing a program module's log file.


Modules Tab - Field Descriptions

Log Module Name

Name of the program module.

Application Server: This log file records errors and other information related to the application server.

UI: The UI (User Interface) Module refers to the web application (timecard, configuration forms, etc.). The UI log file will not include any terminal-specific information (these log files are configured on the Terminals tab - see below).

AE: The AE log file records errors and other information related to the authentication that occurs when a user logs into the Web or Web Time Clock.

PVE: The PVE (Prompting and Validation Engine) log file records errors and other information related to event prompt validations. The PVE log file will not include any terminal-specific information (these log files are configured on the Terminals tab - see below).

XMLLCE: The XMLLCE (XML Listening and Communication Engine) log file records errors and other information related to communication between the terminals and the server. The XMLLCE log file will not include any terminal-specific information (these log files are configured on the Terminals tab - see below).

DICTIONARY: This log file records errors and other information related to the dictionaries (such as missing labels).

IHTTPLCE: The IHTTPLCE (Interface Listening and Communication Engine) log file records errors and other information related to data exchanges between the application and external systems. The IHTTPLCE log file will not include any information about specific service instances (these log files are configured on the Services tab - see below).

TIME_CLOCK: This log file records errors and other information related to the Web Time Clock.

INTOUCH_CONNECTOR: This log file records errors and other information from the INTOUCH_CONNECTOR. InTouch terminals use the INTOUCH_CONNECTOR to communicate with Shop Floor Time. Each InTouch terminal will also have its own log file, which can be configured on the Terminals tab.


The program module's current logging level.

File Name

Name of the program module's log file.

File Size

Size of the program module's log file.


Terminals tab

The Terminals tab on the Log Settings form allows you to change the logging level of your individual data collection terminals.

The terminals listed on the Terminals tab are defined on the Terminal form. The terminals you can view and modify in this form will depend on the Terminal Profile configuration in your Security Data Role.

To view a specific group of terminals, select a GID and DID value from the drop-down lists at the top of this form. Terminals with the GID and DID you selected will display in the grid.

See Modify the Logging Level and Reset the Logging Level for information on changing the logging level of these terminals. See View a Log File for information on viewing a terminal's log file.


Terminals Tab - Field Descriptions

Terminal ID

A unique identifier for the terminal.


Group and Device IDs that identify the terminal to the server.

Terminal Name

The name of the terminal.


A description of the terminal. May be the same as the Terminal Name.

Terminal IP

IP address of the terminal.


The terminal's current logging level.

File Name

Name of the terminal's log file.

File Size

Size of the terminal's log file.


Services tab

The Services tab on the Log Settings form allows you to change the logging level of your service instances.

See Modify the Logging Level and Reset the Logging Level for information on changing the logging level of the service instances. See View a Log File for information on viewing a service instance's log file.


Service Tab - Field Descriptions

Instance Name

The name of the service instance.


The service instance's current logging level.

File Name

Name of the service instance's log file.

File Size

Size of the service instance's log file.