Charge Location

An event’s Charge Location is the transaction’s location at the time of the event posting. The Charge Location will originate from one of five sources as explained below.

You can view an event’s Charge Location (as well as its Home Location and Current Location) on the Transaction Location tab of the Transaction Details form. The LABOR_ALL_MT service updates the records in this tab.

You can also display the Home Location, Current Location, and Charge Location columns in the left side of the timecard. These fields will be populated based on the person’s HOME_LOCATION_HR assignment.


Charge Location Sources

An event’s Charge Location is determined based on the precedence order listed below (highest to lowest):

Charge Location Source


Event Location Prompt

If the event has an Event Location prompt (F_EVENT_LOCATION) and the time reporter selects a value for that prompt, that value will be used as the Charge Location for the event.

The Event Location prompt is configured on the Event Prompt tab.


Charge Element Location

If you are posting an event for a particular charge element, the event’s Charge Location will come from the Location Element Node field on the Charge Element form.



If you change a person’s home location assignment using a TRANSFER_LOCATION or TRANSFER_LOCATION_IMMEDIATE event, the rest of the events you post that day will display this new location in the Charge Location field.


Override Location

If an override location assignment record is in effect at the time of the event posting, this value will display as the event’s Charge Location.

An Override Location is defined as the HOME_LOCATION_FINANCIAL, HOME_LOCATION_HR, or HOME_LOCATION_MANUFACTURING setting in the Employee Assignment with the Override check box selected.

See Employee Home Location for more information.


Default Home Location

If none of the above conditions apply, the person’s Default Home Location will be used as the event’s Charge Location.

The Default Home Location is defined as the HOME_LOCATION_FINANCIAL, HOME_LOCATION_HR, or HOME_LOCATION_MANUFACTURING setting in the Employee Assignment.

See Employee Home Location for more information.



Event and Charge Element Applicability

To determine which Charge Location fields on the Transaction Location tab will be populated, the system looks at the EVENT_LOCATION_APPLICABILITY or CHARGE_ELEMENT_APPLICABILITY settings on the Event Setting form.

CHARGE_ELEMENT_LOCATION_APPLICABILITY determines the Location Type on the Transaction Location tab (HR, Financial, and/or Manufacturing) for which the Charge Location field will contain the CHARGE_ELEMENT_LOCATION (configured as a separate Event Setting). For example, CHARGE_ELEMENT_LOCATION_APPLICABILITY is set to Financial and CHARGE_ELEMENT_LOCATION is set to F_OPERATION_NUM. You post a Work Order event for Order 1001/Operation 10. The Location Element Node (defined in the Charge Element form) for this work order/operation is DEPT_A. On the Transaction Location tab, the Charge Location will be DEPT_A for the record with the Location Type of Financial.

EVENT_LOCATION_APPLICABILITY determines the Location Type in the Transaction Location tab for which the Charge Location field will contain the value entered in the Event Location prompt. For example, a person has Employee Assignments for HOME_LOCATION_HR and HOME_LOCATION_FINANCIAL. The person posts an event that has the EVENT_LOCATION_APPLICABILITY setting of HR. When the person posts the event, he selects 1001 from the Event Location prompt. The Transaction Location tab shows that for the record with Location Type HR, the Charge Location value is 1001. For the Location Type Financial, however, the Charge Location value is the HOME_LOCATION_FINANCIAL value in the person’s assignment.

The table below shows how the CHARGE_ELEMENT_LOCATION_APPLICABILITY or EVENT_LOCATION_APPLICABILITY setting affects the display of the Charge Location field on the Transaction Location tab.

Setting Options


NONE (Default value)

The Charge Location for the Financial, HR, and Manufacturing records on the Transaction Location tab will be the same as the Current Location.



The Charge Location for the HR record on the Transaction Location tab will be populated with the event’s location.



The Charge Location for the MANUFACTURING record on the Transaction Location tab will be populated with the event’s location.



The Charge Location for the HR and MANUFACTURING records on the Transaction Location tab will be populated with the event’s location.



The Charge Location for the HR and FINANCIAL records on the Transaction Location tab will be populated with the event’s location.



The Charge Location for the MANUFACTURING and FINANCIAL records on the Transaction Location tab will be populated with the event’s location.



The Charge Location for the HR, MANUFACTURING and FINANCIAL records on the Transaction Location tab will be populated with the event’s location.