Selected Elements

The Selected Elements tab on the Charge Filtration form defines the charge elements that are included in your Approval Groups and Filtration Groups.

For a Filtration Group, the Selected Elements tab defines the charge elements to which users assigned to this group can post time.

For an Approval Group, the Selected Elements tab defines the charge elements that supervisors (defined on the Managers tab) can view and approve on the Invoice Approval form.

Note that the Selected Elements tab applies only if you have any value other than ALL selected as the Element Name on the Charge Filtration form. If the ALL value is selected, then all values for all elements are available and the Selected Elements tab would not apply.

See Also:

Selected Elements Field Descriptions

Find a Selected Element

Add Elements

Add Parent Elements

Modify a Selected Element

Delete a Selected Element

Charge Filtration Group Assignments


Selected Elements Field Descriptions

Charge Type

Charge item to which users assigned to the Filtration Group or Approval Group can post time. Available options are defined on the Charge Type form.

Element Name

Identifies a type of charge element that is included in the Filtration Group or Approval Group.

Charge elements are defined for a Charge Type on the Charge Type Element tab of the Charge Type form. For example, for the Charge Type ORDER, the Element Names are ORDER, OPERATION, and ACTIVITY.

If the Element Name is All, then all the charge elements for this Charge Type will be included in the Filtration Group.

Charge Element

Identifies a specific charge element that is included in the Filtration Group or Approval Group. These values are defined on the Charge Element form.

For example, Order 100, Operation 20, Activity 10 is selected on the Charge Element form. This charge element is included in the Filtration Group called Filtration_Hourly. On the Filter Group tab, this record would display as Filtration Group Filtration_Hourly, Charge Type ORDER, Element Name ACTIVITY, and Charge Element 100/20/10.


Description of the Charge Element Value as defined on the Charge Element form.

Default Flag

Indicates whether the charge element is the default charge element for the Charge Filtration Group.

There can only be one default record for the specified Charge Type.

To change the Default Flag setting, select the Charge Element and click Modify.

Start Date, End Date

Dates when the Charge Element record is active in the Filtration Group or Approval Group.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find a Selected Element

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element > Charge Filtration.

  2. Use the Group Type and Filter Name fields to specify the Filtration or Approval Group you want to view.

  3. Click Find.

  4. Select the Element Name for which you want to view the selected charge elements.

  5. Navigate to the Selected Elements tab below.

  6. Click the Filter button to display the filter fields. Use these fields if you want to narrow your search.

  7. Click Find.

    The applicable charge elements will display in the grid.


Add Elements

If the Element Name you selected on the Charge filtration form is ALL, you will not be able to Add Elements using the Selected Elements tab.

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element > Charge Filtration.

  2. Use the Group Type and Filter Name fields to specify the Filtration or Approval Group you want to view.

  3. Click Find.

  4. Select the Element Name to which you want to add charge elements.

  5. Navigate to the Selected Elements tab and click Add Elements.

    The Add Elements form will open. The available options are Element Values defined for the selected Element Name on the Charge Element form.

    To narrow the list of charge elements in this form, click the Filter button to display the filter fields. Enter your search criteria and click Find.

  6. On the Add Elements form, select the records you want to add.

    You can perform a multi-select by pressing the CTRL key while selecting the records.

  7. Enter the Input Start Date and Input End Date when the records will be effective. The word “Input” appears above these fields to indicate the Start and End Date are not filter fields.

  8. Click Save to add the elements.

    The elements you selected will appear in the middle of the Selected Elements tab. The Start Date and End Date of each element will correspond to the Input Start and Input End Dates you entered in step 7.


Add Parent Elements

If the Element Name you selected on the Charge filtration form is ALL or 1, you will not be able to Add Parent Elements using the Selected Elements tab.

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element > Charge Filtration.

  2. Use the Group Type and Filter Name fields to specify the Filtration or Approval Group you want to view.

  3. Click Find.

  4. Select the Element Name to which you want to add parent charge elements. For example, if you select an Operation, you will be able to add Order Numbers and Operations to the Charge Filtration Group.

  5. Navigate to the Selected Elements tab and click Add Parent Elements.

    The Add Parent Elements form will open. The available options are Element Values defined for the selected Element Name on the Charge Element form.

    To narrow the list of charge elements in this form, click the Filter button to display the filter fields. Enter your search criteria and click Find.

    Note that the Add Parent Elements form will be empty if the Element Name you selected in step 4 does not have any parent elements.

  6. On the Add Parent Elements form, select the records you want to add.

    You can perform a multi-select by pressing the CTRL key while selecting the records. You can also click the icon to select all the records.

  7. Enter the Input Start Date and Input End Date when the records will be effective. The word “Input” appears above these fields to indicate the Start and End Date are not filter fields.

  8. Click Save to add the elements.

    The elements you selected will appear in the middle of the Selected Elements tab. The Start Date and End Date of each element will correspond to the Input Start and Input End Dates you entered in step 7.


Modify a Selected Element

Note: You can modify the Start Date, End Date, and Default Flag of a Selected Elements record.

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element > Charge Filtration.

  2. Use the Group Type and Filter Name fields to specify the Filtration or Approval Group you want to view.

  3. Click Find.

  4. Select the Element Name.

  5. Navigate to the Selected Elements tab below.

  6. Select the element you want to change and click Modify.

  7. Change the Start Date, End Date, and Default Flag and click Save.


Delete a Selected Element

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element > Charge Filtration.

  2. Use the Group Type and Filter Name fields to specify the Filtration or Approval Group you want to view.

  3. Click Find.

  4. Select the Element Name.

  5. Navigate to the Selected Elements tab below.

  6. Select the element you want to remove and click Delete.

  7. Click OK to confirm the action.


Charge Filtration Group Assignments

On the Setting tab of the Employee form, employees can be assigned to an E_<Person Number> charge filtration group and a C_<Company Number> Charge Filtration Group. When an employee is assigned to these filtration groups, the employee can only charge time to the active charge elements in these filtration groups.

The E_<Person Number> Charge Filtration Group identifies Project Workforce projects. Only employees associated with the project (via the E_<Person Number> Charge Filtration Group) can charge time to these projects. This charge filtration group is named E_ followed by the employee’s Person Number (e.g., E_1001 for Person Number 1001).

The C_<Company Number> Charge Filtration Group means any employee in the company can charge time to these items.