
Managers tab (Charge Filtration form)

The Managers tab of the Charge Filtration form is used to assign managers to an Approval Group.

An Approval Group controls which transactions a supervisor can approve on the Invoice Approval form. A supervisor will only be able to view and approve transactions for charge items that are included in the Approval Group that he or she manages.

You need to define Approval Groups if you are using the Subcontractors feature.

See Also:

Managers Field Descriptions

Find Managers of an Approval Group

Add Managers to an Approval Group

Change the Effective Dates for a Manager in an Approval Group (Modify)

Delete Managers from an Approval Group

Copy a Manager Record in an Approval Group


Managers Field Descriptions

Filter Name

Use this filter field to select the Approval Group to which you want to assign managers.

Manager Num

Person number of the manager.

First Name, Last Name

Name of the manager.

Start Date, End Date

Dates when the manager is assigned to the Approval Group.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find Managers of an Approval Group

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element > Charge Filtration.

  2. Click the Managers tab.

  3. From the Filter Name field, select the Approval Group for which you want to view, add, modify, or delete managers. If necessary, click the Filter button to display the filter fields.

  4. You can also use the Manager Num, First Name, and Last Name filter fields to narrow your search.

  5. Click Find.

    If the Approval Group already has managers, they will display on the form.


Add Managers to an Approval Group

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element > Charge Filtration.

  2. Click the Managers tab.

  3. From the Filter Name field, select the Approval Group to which you want to add managers.

  4. Click Find.

  5. Click Add on the Managers tab.

  6. Click the  quick link next to the Manager Num field to display the Employee pop-up form.

  7. Select the person who you want to assign as a manager and click OK.

  8. On the Add Managers form, enter the Start Date and End Date when the manager will be assigned to this Approval Group.

  9. If you want to add another manager to the Approval Group, click Save and Add to save the current record and keep the Add Managers form open. Otherwise, click Save to save the current record and return to the Managers tab.


Change the Effective Dates for a Manager in an Approval Group (Modify)

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element > Charge Filtration.

  2. Click the Managers tab.

  3. From the Filter Name field, select the Approval Group for which you want to change a manager’s effective dates.

  4. Click Find.

  5. Select the manager’s record and click Modify.

  6. Change the Start Date and End Date when the manager will be assigned to this Approval Group.

  7. Click Save.


Delete Managers from an Approval Group

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element > Charge Filtration.

  2. Click the Managers tab.

  3. From the Filter Name field, select the Approval Group for which you want to delete managers.

  4. Click Find.

  5. Select the manager’s record and click Delete.

  6. Click OK to confirm the action.


Copy a Manager Record in an Approval Group

  1. Click Main Menu > Administration > Charge Element > Charge Filtration.

  2. Click the Managers tab.

  3. From the Filter Name field, select the Approval Group for which you want to copy a manager record.

  4. Click Find.

  5. Select the manager’s record and click Copy.

  6. To select a different manager, click the  quick link next to the Manager Num field to display the Employee pop-up form.

  7. You can also change the Start Date and End Date when the manager will be assigned to this Approval Group.

  8. If you want to copy another manager record, click Save and Add to save the current record and keep the Copy Managers form open. Otherwise, click Save to save the current record and return to the Managers tab.