Time Off Request

Detail Forms:

Person Balance

Action History

The Time Off Request form allows employees to request time off. A supervisor can then approve or disapprove the request using the Time Off Review form. The status of the time off request will then be updated for the employee to see on the Time Off Request form.

Note: Employees can also request time off by posting a PTO:REQUEST event or a PTO_REQUEST_VIEW event in the client terminal or Web Time Clock. A supervisor can also request time off for an employee using the Time Off Review form. See Requesting and Approving Time Off for more information.

An employee can modify and cancel a Pending and/or Approved time off request. When an already approved request is cancelled, the originally approved request record will stay on the form as is and new record with type Cancel will be added to the form. When an already approved request is modified, the originally approved request will stay on the form; a new record with type Cancel will be added to the form; and a pending request with type Schedule will be created.

Employees can only modify Approved or Pending requests with type Schedule. Employees cannot modify Disapproved requests or requests with type Cancel. Employees can only cancel Pending and/or Approved requests.

See Also:

Time Off Request Field Descriptions

Find a Time Off Request

Request Time Off

Modify a Time Off Request

Cancel a Time Off Request

Requesting and Approving Time Off


Time Off Request Field Descriptions


Click the  Filter button on the Time Off Request form to display the Status drop-down list. Use this field to display only those records with a particular status (Pending, Approved, etc.).

The Status field also displays in the grid section of the form to identify the current status of the Time Off request:


A time off request Type can be either Schedule or Cancel.

When an employee or supervisor creates a time off request, the Type is Schedule.

When an employee requests to cancel an approved time off request or modifies an approved time off request, the Type is Cancel.


This field displays the event that will be posted for the time off hours. Available options are defined in the employee's Time Off Request Policy.

Leave Type Code

This field identifies the kind of leave from which the selected Event will draw its hours. Available options are defined for the selected Event in the Balance Code tab of the Events form.

Start Date, End Date

These fields Indicate the year, month, and day when the requested time off starts and ends.

If the time off request is for a past date, you may have to adjust the ATTENDANCE service's MODE parameter so the service will look at past dates and approve the request. In addition, if you are running the PTO_REQUEST_EXPIRE service, make sure this service does not mark the request as Expired before the supervisor has a chance to approve it.

An employee is unable to request time off on a gap day or a holiday (as defined in the person’s Holiday Calendar) unless the day has a mandatory overtime schedule. If the gap day or holiday is in a range of dates being requested, the request may be saved and approved but the ATTENDANCE service will not post the time off event on the gap day or holiday.

Hours Type

This filed indicates whether the time off request is for a Full Day, Half Day, or Hours Amount. Full Day and Half Day hours are based on the person's schedule.

When you select Hours Amount, you must enter the number of hours in the Duration field. If your Time Off Request Policy includes Time Off Request Duration records, you can only enter these specific duration amounts in the Hours Amount field.

When you select Half Day or Hours Amount, you must enter the Start Timestamp for the time off.


This field is available if you select Hours Amount in the Hours Type field. Duration is the number of hours for which the time off is being requested.

If your Time Off Request Policy includes Time Off Request Duration records, you can only enter these specific duration amounts in the Hours Amount field.

Service Date

This field displays when the employee started their service. This date is defined on the Employee form.

Start Timestamp

This field is available if you select Half Day or Hours Amount in the Hours Type field. Start Timestamp indicates what time of day the requested time off starts. The Start Timestamp plus the number of hours off must be within a person's schedule.

Request Comment

This field displays any comments that were entered when the time off was requested.

Date Created

This field displays the year, month, day, and time of day the request was submitted.

Created By

This field displays the person who submitted the request.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find a Time Off Request

  1. Click Main Menu > Self Service > Time Off Request.

  2. To display only requests with a particular status, click the Filter button and select the Status from the drop-down list.

  3. Click Find.

    The time off requests appear in the grid.


Request Time Off

Note: You cannot overlap a pending or approved request.

  1. Click Main Menu > Self Service > Time Off Request.

  2. Click Add.

  3. Select the Event and Leave Type Code for the time off.

  4. Enter the Start Date and End Date for the time off. Please refer to the Time Off Request Field Descriptions for information about selecting dates for a time off request.

  5. Select an Hours Type.

    If you select Hours Amount, you must enter the number of hours in the Duration field.

    If you select Half Day or Hours Amount, you must also enter the time of day when the requested time off starts in the Start Timestamp field. The Start Timestamp plus the number of hours off must be within a person's schedule.

  6. Enter a comment in the Request Comment box (optional).

  7. Click Save to return to the Time Off Request form.


Modify a Time Off Request

Note: Employees can only modify Approved or Pending requests with type Schedule. Employees cannot modify any Unapproved requests or requests with type Cancel.

  1. Click Main Menu > Self Service > Time Off Request.

  2. Select the approved or pending record you want to change and click Modify.

  3. Modify the necessary fields.

  4. Click Save.

    Note that when an Approved request is modified, then:

    The originally approved request record will stay on the form as is.

    A Pending record with type Cancel will be created.

    A Pending request with type Schedule will be created.


Cancel a Time Off Request

Note: Employees can only cancel Pending and/or Approved requests.

  1. Click Main Menu > Self Service > Time Off Request.

  2. Select the pending or approved record you want to cancel and click Cancel.

  3. The record will update with a Cancelled status.

    Note: When an approved request is cancelled, the originally approved request record will stay on the form as is and new record with type Cancel will be added to the form.