Time Off Request Duration

The Time Off Request Duration tab on the Time Off Request Policy form is used to configure the duration amounts a user can enter when making a time off request for an Hours Amount. For example, if the Time Off Request Duration tab has records for 2, 4, and 6 hours, then time off requests can only be made for these hours amounts.

If the policy has no Time Off Request Duration records, then the Hours Amount will not be limited to specific durations. A time off request can be made for any Hours Amount up to 24 hours.

When a supervisor makes a time off request for an employee (via the Time Off Review form), the Time Off Request Durations in the employee's Time Off Request Policy will be used.

See Also:

Time Off Request Duration Field Descriptions

Add a Time Off Request Duration

Modify a Time Off Request Duration

Delete a Time Off Request Duration


Time Off Request Duration Field Descriptions


Number of hours a user can enter when making a time off request for an Hours Amount. For example, if the Time Off Request Duration tab has records for 2, 4, and 6 hours, then the person can only have time off requests made for these hours amounts.

You can enter the Duration in Clock or Decimal format (e.g., 2 ½ hours could be entered as 2:30 or 2.5).

The Time Off Request Duration tab will display the Duration values in decimal format. However, when you modify a Duration, it will display in Clock or Decimal format depending on your Preferences Duration Format setting. If your Preferences Duration Format setting is Decimal, when you modify a Time Off Request Duration, the number of places after the decimal that display will depend on the Time Precision in your Rounding Policy.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Add a Time Off Request Duration

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Time off Request Policy.

  2. Select the policy to which you want to add a Time Off Request Duration.

  3. Navigate to the Time Off Request Duration tab.

  4. Click Add.

  5. In the Duration field, enter the number of hours a user can enter when making a time off request for an Hours Amount.

  6. Click Save when you are finished.


Modify a Time Off Request Duration

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Time off Request Policy.

  2. Select the policy for which you want to modify a Time Off Request Duration.

  3. Navigate to the Time Off Request Duration tab.

  4. Select the record you want to change and click Modify.

  5. Change the Duration and click Save when you are finished.


Delete a Time Off Request Duration

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Policies > Time off Request Policy.

  2. Select the policy from which you want to delete a Time Off Request Duration.

  3. Navigate to the Time Off Request Duration tab.

  4. Select the record you want to delete and click Delete.

  5. Click OK to confirm the action.