Action History

The Action History tab on the Self Service Time Off Request form and the Time Off Review form is a view-only form that displays details about each time off request, such as when it was approved, disapproved, or reset. Any comments added by the supervisor are also shown here.

See Also:

Action History Field Descriptions

Find and View an Action History Record


Action History Field Descriptions

Action Type

This field indicates an action that was taken for the time off request.

Post Date

This displays the date when the Action Type occurred.

Action Comment

If the supervisor added a comment during the approval, disapproval, or reset, the comment is listed in this field.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find and View Action History

  1. Supervisor: Click Main Menu > Manage > Time Off Review.

    Employee: Click Main Menu > Self Service> Time Off Request.

  2. Select a time off request record and click the Action History tab on the lower half of the screen.