Leave Type (Events)

For events that draw from balances, the Leave Type tab on the Events form is used to configure which balances (such as FMLA, Sick, and Vacation) a time off event may draw from. The leave type you add to an event is the balance that the time off counts against. If an event is configured to draw from more than one balance, the leave type you list on top is the balance that the system will deduct from until the balance runs out. Once it has depleted the balance, the system will deduct from the next leave type in the list, and so on.

Leave types are restricted to events with any of the following Attendance Type ID:





See Also:

Leave Types Field Descriptions

Find a Leave Type

Add a Leave Type

Delete a Leave Type

Move Up/Move Down


Leave Type Field Descriptions


Identifies which event the leave type code applies to. Only events with any of the following Attendance Type ID use leave type codes:





Leave Type (Balance) Code

The Leave Type (Balance) Code categories correspond with the categories in the Leave Type Code form. For example, FMLA (Family emergency Medical Leave Act), Sick, and Vacation.

Update Date, Updated By

These fields display when the record was created or updated, and the person who created or updated the record.


Find a Leave Type

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Event > Events.

  2. Find the record you want to view.

  3. Go to the Leave Type tab on the lower half of the form to view the details.

    Note: Leave Type codes are restricted to events with any of the following Attendance Type ID: ATTENDANCE:HOLIDAY, ATTENDANCE:SICK, ATTENDANCE:TIME OFF, and ATTENDANCE:VACATION.


Add a Leave Type

Note: Leave Types are restricted to events with any of the following Attendance Type ID: ATTENDANCE:HOLIDAY, ATTENDANCE:SICK, ATTENDANCE:TIME OFF, and ATTENDANCE:VACATION.

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Event > Events.

  2. Find the record you want to add a Leave Type to.

  3. Go to the Leave Type tab on the lower half of the form.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Select a Leave Type.

  6. Click Save.


Delete a Leave Type

  1. Click Main Menu > Configuration > Event > Events.

  2. Find the record you want to delete a Leave Type from.

  3. Go to the Leave Type tab on the lower half of the form.

  4. Select the record you want to delete and click Delete.

  5. Click OK to confirm the action.


Move Up/Down

Leave Types are consumed according to the order they are listed in. The leave type you list on top is the balance that the system will deduct from until the balance runs out. Once it has depleted the balance, the system will deduct from the next leave type in the list, and so on. You can change the sequence number of a leave type by selecting the record and using the Move Up or Move Down arrows on the tool bar.