Messaging Rules Operands

Messaging Rules allow you to create messages for specific business conditions. For example, a company may want to send a warning message to employees who have been tardy at least three days in the current pay period. This type of rules-based message requires the following configuration:

    1. Create the message ruleset using the Calc Rule and Rulesets forms. The context for these rules will be MessagingRuleset.

    2. Add the Messaging Ruleset you created to the Message Definition.

      You can also change the text of the message using the Message Label tab in the Message Definition form.

    3. For System messages, add the Message Definition to a Message Policy and configure the settings for the Message Definition. Then assign the Message Policy to the appropriate employees.

You will also have to run the EXCEPTION_MESSAGE_CREATION, MESSAGE_CREATION, and MESSAGE_DELIVERY services to create and deliver the rules-based messages.

For a list of predefined messages that are included with the application, see Message Definition.

Refer to the Messaging feature topic for more information.

The following is a list of the available operands for the MessagingRuleset.

Any Scheduled Day With Zero Hours

Create Dialog Message

Create Group Message

Create Person Message

Create Person Message Offline Processor Exception

Create Service Exception Message

Create Supervisor Message

Create Supervisor Message Offline Processor Exception

Create Supervisor Role Message

Display Messages

Get Anchor Time from Schedule

Get Anchor Time from Time of Day

Get Applicable Time

Get Boolean

Get Empty Override Message

Get Payroll Lock Status

Get Payroll Lock Status With Range

Get People By Sign Status

Get People By Sign Status With Range

Get Posted Hours

Get Posted Hours For Last N Days

Get Posted Hours on Event

Get Scheduled Hours

Get Scheduled Hours For Last N Days

Get Sign State

Get Sign State With Range

Get Supervised Person List

Has Person Email

Has Person No Email

Has Service Missed Schedule Run

Has Service Run For Too Long

Hours Posted On Unscheduled Day

Is Anyone with Sign Status

Is Anyone with Sign Status With Range

Is Applicable Time Frame

Is After Time

Is Before Time

Is Current Response

Is Day Of Month

Is Day Of Week

Is Employment Status

Is Error Logged By Error Code

Is Error Logged By Service Instance

Is Event And Stage

Is Event Type And Stage

Is Last Day Of Month

Is Last Response

Is Message Duplicate

Is Message Not Duplicate

Is Not Classification Type

Is Not Signed

Is Person Active

Is Person Classification Type

Is Person Entry Type

Is Person Hired

Is Person Not Entry Type

Is Person Not Type

Is Person Part Time Or Full Time

Is Person Type

Is Person Timezone

Is Service Audit Error

Is Service Audit Warning

Is Service Running For Too Long

Is Sign Not Required

Is Sign Required

Is Signed

Is Signed With Range

No Existing Response


Reset Message Attributes

Set Message Attribute Acknowledgement Required

Set Message Attribute Agreement Disagreement

Set Message Attribute Allow Duplicate

Set Message Attribute Consolidate Message

Set Message Attribute Delete Immediately

Set Message Attribute Dispose on Read

Set Message Attribute Do Not Deliver After

Set Message Attribute Do Not Deliver Until

Set Message Attribute Do Not Purge

Set Message Attribute Priority

Stop Processing Message

Update Status