Prerequisites for Using the Pre-Award Project Numbering Feature

Complete the required prerequisites before you can use the Pre-Award Numbering feature.

Turn on the Pre-Award Project Numbering Feature

  • You must have both of the following modules enabled:
    • Accounting or PSA
    • CRM or Resource Planning
  • On the Numbering form in Settings > Workflow > Numbering, select the Update Project Number when Approved for Use in Processing checkbox. This turns on the Pre-Award Project Numbering feature.

Project Stage

In Settings > Labels and Lists > Lists, you must enter a project stage with In Pursuit entered in the Step field and a project stage with Won entered in the Step field.

Set Up Auto Numbering

If you use auto numbering for project numbers, you must set up the pre-award and awarded numbering systems for projects in Settings > Workflow > Numbering. This is in addition to setting up numbering systems for overhead and promotional projects.

For more information, see Setting Up Different Auto Numbering Systems for Pre-Award and Awarded Projects.

Processing Requirements

To change a project's number when the project is awarded:

  • Your security role must have the Accounting checkbox selected in the Type of Role section on the Overview tab of the Role form in Settings > Security > Roles.
  • The project must be a regular project. (Regular is selected in the Charge Type field on the Accounting tab in the Projects hub.)
  • In the Projects hub, you must be at the project (WBS1) level when you change the project number.