Setting Up Different Auto Numbering Systems for Pre-Award and Awarded Projects

If you use auto numbering for project numbers, you must set up the pre-award and awarded auto numbering systems for projects before you can use the Pre-Award Project Numbering feature.

You must also set up the auto numbering system for overhead and promotional charge-type projects.

You set up these four numbering systems in Settings > Workflow > Numbering. In the System Numbering Format grid on the Numbering form, select the Project row and use the Auto Number Source and Auto Number Format fields in the grid to set up auto numbering.

Number Formatting

The formatting for all four charge-type numbering systems must be the same. However, the numbering scheme for each can be different.


  • Same formatting: You set up each of the four charge-type numbering systems with seven characters. A period is in the fifth position. XXXX.XX
  • Different numbering schemes:
    • Pre-award (in pursuit) projects start with the letter M for "marketing."
    • Awarded projects start with the letter R for "regular awarded."
    • Overhead projects start with the letter O for "overhead."
    • Promotional projects start with the letter P for "promotional."


If you choose Expression in the Auto Number Source field to set up auto numbering, the Expression Configuration dialog box opens when you click in the Auto Number Format field. On this dialog box, set up the formatting for each of the following project charge types:

  • Overhead
  • Promotional
  • Regular - Approved for Use in Processing (for regular projects that are awarded)
  • Regular - Not Approved for Use in Processing (for regular projects that are pre-award—not yet awarded)

Stored Procedures or Web Services

The following information applies if you choose Stored Procedure or Web Service in the Auto Number Source field to set up auto numbering for projects.

In the stored procedure or web service, use the Vantagepoint Approved for Use in Processing checkbox from the Accounting tab in the Projects hub (ReadyForProcessing column in the PR database table) to assign project numbers based on whether or not a project is approved for use in processing. If the Approved for Use in Processing checkbox is not selected for a project, a pre-award (in -pursuit) number should be assigned to the project. If the checkbox is selected for a project, an awarded (won) number should be assigned to the project.