Create Dependency Relationships

Dependencies are relationships you create between various work breakdown structure (WBS) levels in a project.

Video: See related video below

There are several ways to create dependency relationships between WBS elements. From the Schedule tab of the Plan form, you can:
  • Drag the arrows between bars on the Gantt chart.
  • Use the Dependency Details dialog box. This method allows you to create multiple dependency relationships simultaneously and add lag and lead time to dependencies.
  • Type the predecessor details in the Predecessor column.

When you create a dependency, a connector line from the predecessor to the successor displays on the Gantt chart. If you change the dates for a predecessor, all successor dates change accordingly. Any updates you make on the Schedule tab automatically update the corresponding information on the Labor, Expenses, Consultants, and Units tabs.

For details about how dependencies work across different WBS levels, types of dependency relationships, and how lag/lead and float time impact dependency relationships, review the information in Working with Schedule Dependencies and its subtopics.


Title Description

Create Schedule Dependencies

This video shows you the different methods for creating schedule dependencies on the Schedule tab of Project Planning. These methods allow you to identify predecessors and successors, select relationship types, and add lag/lead time for dependencies.