Add Lag or Lead Time Between Tasks

You can use the Dependency Details dialog to add lag or lead time between dependency relationships.

Lag indicates a delay between the predecessor and successor relationship, in working days. For example, if the relationship is Finish-to-Start, you can specify a lag time of five days so that the successor does not start until five days after the predecessor is finished. Lead indicates an overlap in the predecessor and successor relationship, in working days. For example, if the relationship is Finish-to-Start, you can specify a lag time of five days so that the successor can start five days before the predecessor task is finished.

Be aware that adding lag time could extend the plan dates. See How Lead and Lag Time Works with Dependency Relationships for details about how lead/lag time affects each type of dependency relationship.

To add lead or lag time:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Projects > Plan.
  2. On the Actions bar, click Check Out.
  3. Click the Schedule tab.
  4. Double-click the Gantt bar for the WBS element.
    The Dependency Details dialog box displays.
  5. Type the Lag (positive number) or Lead (negative number) value as an amount of time, in working days, or click the up or down arrow to enter values. The maximum allowed value is 4000. Decimal places are not allowed.
  6. Click Apply to save your changes.

    Upon saving, Vantagepoint checks for circular dependencies, which can occur when two tasks are dependent on each other. If a circular dependency is detected, Vantagepoint provides an alert and removes the faulty dependencies. For details, see Circular Dependencies Not Allowed.