Generate a Client Smart Summary

Generate a client Smart Summary to see important client data, including top in-pursuit projects and key performance indicators (KPIs) for awarded projects.

Use the tool to rapidly build Smart Summary briefings using AI-generated technology and your data. For example, you can create briefings that summarize data for your clients or projects. For more information, see Using the Smart Summaries Tool.

Disclaimer: This Smart Summary is generated by an artificial intelligence tool using your Vantagepoint data exclusively. It is provided subject to the terms of your Vantagepoint licensing agreement governing the use of Smart Summaries. Deltek does not represent, warrant, or independently verify the accuracy of each Smart Summary. Users are encouraged to independently review and verify the accuracy of the Smart Summary.

Prerequisites: Before you generate a Smart Summary, you must Enable AI Generated Smart Summaries and Set Up Role Security Access for Smart Summaries to Smart Summary Previews.

To create a client Smart Summary:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Firms.
  2. In the Find firm quick search field at the top of the Firms form, select a client firm.
  3. On the Summary pane, do the following:
    1. In the Client Type field, verify that the firm is a client firm.
    2. Click the Smart Summary button.
    IMPORTANT: The first time that you generate a Smart Summary, the following disclaimer message is displayed, along with a prompt:

    Smart Summaries are provided subject to the Vantagepoint Product Terms, and Deltek does not independently verify the accuracy of each Smart Summary. You should independently review and verify the accuracy of each Smart Summary.

    You must accept the terms before generating the Smart Summary.

  4. Click the Accept and Generate button to create a client Smart Summary that includes one or more of the sections in the following table.
    Section Contents
    Executive Summary This section includes general information about the client, such as the client description, website, alias, and the employee who owns the client relationship.
    Recent Activities This section lists information about the five most recent activities for this client, including who was involved and the activity subject.
    Current Pursuits This section provides information about the top five in-pursuit projects that are currently active.
    Active Awarded Projects This section lists KPIs such as compensation, total backlog, and profitability for the top five awarded projects that are currently active.
    Top 5 Completed Projects This section provides, for the top five inactive (or dormant) projects, key information such as the total contract value, average contract value, and profitability.
  5. Verify the contents of the briefing.

    All Smart Summary briefings are stored in Vantagepoint for 30 minutes. Each section is stored separately, to enable you to correct an error in an individual section and then regenerate the briefing.

  6. To copy Smart Summary information to a third party application, click the Copy to the Clipboard button.
  7. Paste the Smart Summary briefing contents into the document or file of your choice.

Postrequisite: Click the Feedback button to provide feedback to Deltek about the Smart Summary feature. This feedback is reviewed by product management and used to improve the product's functionality