Using the Smart Summaries Tool

Use the AI Generated Smart Summaries tool to create high-level summaries of data contained in hubs, such as information for clients or projects.

Use the tool to rapidly build Smart Summary briefings using AI-generated technology and your data. For example, you can create briefings that summarize data for your clients or projects.

Disclaimer: Each Smart Summary briefing is generated by an artificial intelligence tool using your Vantagepoint data exclusively. This tool is provided subject to the terms of your Vantagepoint licensing agreement governing the use of Smart Summaries. Deltek does not represent, warrant, or independently verify briefing accuracy. You are strongly encouraged to independently review and verify the accuracy of each Smart Summary briefing that you generate.

Smart Summary Terms for First Time Use

The first time that you click the Smart Summary button to build a Smart Summary briefing, the following confirmation message displays:

Smart Summary Terms

You are accessing a Smart Summary, which is generated by an artificial intelligence tool. Smart Summaries automate the data review process and provide a summarized version of that information. They can be a timesaving tool by allowing businesses to make informed decisions more rapidly.

Smart Summaries are provided subject to the Vantagepoint Product Terms, and Deltek does not independently verify the accuracy of each Smart Summary. You should independently review and verify the accuracy of each Smart Summary.

In response to this message, you can either click Accept and Generate to build the Smart Summary briefing or click Cancel to stop the process.

When you add new users to security roles in which the Smart Summary feature has been enabled, the new users will automatically have access to the Smart Summary button.

Access to Smart Summary Briefings

Depending on your security and system access, you can build Smart Summary briefings for client firms and projects. To generate a briefing, click the Smart Summary button on the Summary pane of the Firms form or the Projects form.

  • Client Smart Summary: This briefing highlights important information about your client, including recent activities, top pursuit projects, active projects, completed projects, and key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • For more information, see Contents of the Client Smart Summary Preview.
  • Project Smart Summary: This briefing highlights important information about your project, including a high-level overview, financial health, recent activities, pursuit summary, plan summary, and key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • For more information, see Contents of the Project Smart Summary Preview.


Click the Feedback button to provide feedback to Deltek about the Smart Summary feature. This feedback is reviewed by product management and used to improve the product's functionality.

Copy to Clipboard

Click the Copy to Clipboard button to copy the smart summary to your clipboard and then paste it into another product like Microsoft Word.