Enter ETC Revenue Values

You can enter and update your Estimate-to-Complete (ETC) revenue values on the Revenue Forecast form.

You need the Resource Planning module and project plan modification rights to edit revenue forecasts.

Before you begin, ensure that the revenue forecast calculation method is set appropriately in Settings > Resource Planning > Revenue Forecast Settings. This setting determines which amounts to include in calculations in the revenue forecast application.

To enter values for a revenue forecast:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Projects > Revenue Forecast.
  2. At the top of the Revenue Forecast form, enter either a complete or partial name or number in the Find project lookup field to find and select the project for which you want to check out the plan.
    The forecast details display on the form. The levels and grid forecast date fields are initially populated with the plan date values from the associated project plan; however, the revenue forecast dates operate independently from the plan dates after the revenue forecast is created. The column labels that display on the Revenue Forecast form depend on the selected global revenue forecast calculation option.

    A warning message displays if there are gaps or overlapping dates for the existing fiscal periods included in the project's revenue forecast date range. If there are gaps or overlaps, the revenue forecast periods are displayed using months.

    If there are not enough established fiscal periods to support the project's revenue forecast date range, Vantagepoint automatically adjusts the column heading for those affected dates, depending on the value set for the Periods Per Year field in Utilities > Periods > Period Setup:
    • If Periods Per Year is 12 or is not 13, any missing fiscal periods display in months.
    • If Periods Per Year is 13, any missing fiscal periods display as 4 week (28 day) periods.

    If the first or last fiscal period dates do not coincide with their corresponding month start/end dates, partial months display in those calendar columns.

    If the project's fee allocation method is not set to use revenue forecasts, Vantagepoint displays an informational message indicating that you need to go to the Estimated Fee tab of the Contract Management form and select Use Revenue Forecasts as the allocation method before you can enter the revenue forecast for the project.

  3. On the Actions bar, click Check Out.
    If no one has the plan checked out, it is checked out to you.

    If someone else has the plan checked out, a message displays when you click Check Out to identify who has it checked out. The message includes the person's email address; click the address to compose an email to them about the plan. If your security role has the required access, the message also contains a link that you can click to check in the plan and check it back out to you.

  4. If your project uses different project and billing currencies, select which currency to display from the Show <type> Currency drop-down menu.
    For more details, see Choose the Currency to Display for Revenue Forecasts.

    The fields and options that display for revenue forecasts vary, depending on your currency selection. If your choice here differs from the currency being stored, Vantagepoint displays a warning that the revenue forecast values are being stored in a different currency. To change the stored currency, see Change the Stored Currency for the Revenue Forecast

  5. Enter your ETC planned revenue in either the ETC Revenue field or in the calendar periods.
    You can enter values at any WBS level. This field is locked if there are no working days remaining in the date range for the corresponding WBS level.
    • If you enter a value in the ETC Revenue field, the values update for any parent or child revenue fields in the column and the amount is also distributed proportionally across and down the calendar columns based on the Forecast Start and Forecast End dates for this level (and any parent or child WBS levels) and the working days within those dates.
    • If you enter individual ETC revenue values in the calendar periods, the values are also updated for the parent or child levels and the values automatically update in the ETC Revenue column.

      At the lowest level of the WBS structure, you can enter amounts in calendar periods that fall before or after the level's revenue forecast dates, and the Forecast Start or Forecast End date field will update accordingly for that WBS element and, if necessary, for higher level WBS elements also.

    If your project uses different project and billing currencies and you choose to display and enter values in the non-stored currency, Vantagepoint automatically calculates the correct value to display based on the current exchange rate.