Change the Stored Currency for a Revenue Forecast

If you have different currency codes assigned to the project and billing currency fields in your project, you can select the currency to store for your revenue forecast. Choose the currency you want to more precisely maintain. Consistently editing ETC revenue in this currency gives you the most control over the amounts.

The Currency to Store option is available if you have access rights to modify project plans and your project uses multiple currencies. The option is dimmed if the same currency code is assigned to the project and billing currency fields on the selected project.

After you choose which currency to store, Vantagepoint uses the current exchange rate to calculate the values for the other side. You set up exchange rates from one currency to another currency for a specific period in Settings > Currency > Period Exchange Rates. For details, see Period Exchange Rates.

To change the currency to store:

  1. In the Navigation pane, select Hubs > Projects > Revenue Forecast.
    If the current project does not have Use Revenue Forecasts set as the fee allocation method on the Estimated Fee tab of the Contract Management form, the Revenue Forecast screen displays to inform you that you need to change the allocation method for the project.
  2. On the Actions bar of the Revenue Forecast form, select Other Actions > Currency to Store.
    Vantagepoint checks out the plan and displays the Currency to Store dialog box, which indicates the currently selected currency.
  3. Enable either the Project or Billing option on the dialog box to select the currency to store for the revenue forecast and click Save.
    If there are existing revenue forecast values stored for this project, Vantagepoint displays a confirmation message informing you that exchange rates will be applied between the previously selected currency code and the new currency code before storing the exchanged values. Continue with step 4.

    If exchange rates are not available to exchange existing revenue forecast values to the new stored currency, Vantagepoint displays a message informing you that the currency to store was not changed and advises you to verify that the missing rates are added before you try to change the currency to store.

  4. In response to the confirmation message, click Change Stored Currency to make the change or click Cancel to return to the Currency to Store dialog box and review your choice.