Adding an Estimate to a Proposal Quick Reference

Use this quick reference as a guide for adding estimate information to a proposal. Because the Projects and Employees hubs and the Proposals application are seamlessly integrated, you have access to relevant project data, employee information, graphics, profiles, and narrative text for use when generating proposals.

Step Procedure Related Information
Enable Estimates
1 Go to Settings > Projects > Estimates to enable service estimates and specify the default settings for use on the Estimates form in the Projects hub. Enable Service Estimates
Set Up Project Estimates
2 Set up an estimate for a project in Hubs > Projects > Estimates. Create a Service Estimate
Create a New Proposal
3 Create a new proposal or open an existing one to which you would like to add estimate information. Create a Proposal

Select a Proposal

Add Estimate Table to the Proposal
4 Drag the Estimates element onto the proposal to display the Add Estimate dialog box: Add an Estimate to a Proposal

By default, the project that displays in the Choose Project list is specified in Proposals Properties. To select a different project, use the Project lookup to choose the project for this estimate.


Use the Choose Table options to select the table that you want to include in the estimate. This drop-down list includes tables that are available based on the options specified in Settings > Projects > Estimates. Options that are not available for selection because the project has no data for that item display in gray with a no data available indicator.

Customize Labels
7 From the Include list, select the column options that you want to include in the table. These options are based on the table that is selected in the Choose Table list.
8 To customize the table or column names, enter a custom label in each applicable text entry field.
Format the Estimate Table
9 Select the table and use the Table Properties pane to specify the formatting for the table as well as the rows and cells within the table. Each table within the proposal can have its own specific format or you can specify the same format for all tables. Set Table Properties
10 Use the Table Properties pane to specify the formatting for the rows on the table. Set Row Properties
11 Use the Selected Cells options on the Table Properties pane to specify the formatting for the cells within the tables. Each cell within a table can have its own specific format or you can specify the same format for all cells. Set Cell Properties