Contents of the Content Management Page

Use the contents of this page to view and manage the family content updates for Specpoint's baseline content.

Table Contents

On this page, in the Families table, the following options and column headers are available:

Item Description
Family CountThis indicates the number of families that the table currently displays and the total number of available family content updates.
Filter IconClick this button to show or hide the available filter fields in their respective columns.
STATUSThis displays the family's status in terms of the progress that Deltek specification writers made in drafting or updating the family.
In the filter field for this column, select one of the following statuses to filter the list of families:
  • In-Progress
  • Draft
  • Published
  • Superseded
FAMILY NUMBERThis displays the project element number of the family.

In the filter field for this column, enter the family number to filter the list of families.

FAMILY NAME This displays the name of the family.

In the filter field for this column, enter the name of the family to filter the list of families.

DATE PUBLISHEDThis displays the date and time when the family content update was published. This column is blank for unpublished families or families that have a STATUS of In-Progress or Draft.

In the filter field for this column, enter the publishing date to filter the list of families. The complete date format is mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss. This field processes input that are segments of the date and time.

PUBLISHED BYThis displays the username or email address of the Deltek specification writer who published the family content update. This column is blank for unpublished families or families that have a STATUS of In-Progress or Draft.
WRITERThis displays the Deltek user who wrote the family content update. The user must be a Deltek administrator, Deltek author, or Deltek reviewer.
DATE OF ISSUEThis displays the family's date of issue.

In the filter field for this column, enter the date of issue to filter the list of families. The complete date format is mm/dd/yyyy. This field processes input that are segments of the date and time.

VERSIONThis displays the family's current version number.

In the filter field for this column, enter the version number to filter the list of families.

IMPORTED DATEThis displays the date when a Deltek administrator imported the family content update into Specpoint.

In the filter field for this column, enter the date of import to filter the list of families. The complete date format is mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss. This field processes input that are segments of the date and time.

(Family Row Submenu)This option is available only to Deltek administrators.
Click this button to view the following available options: