Contents of the Photos and Videos Portion

Use the contents of this portion to view photos or videos of a product listing. As a BPM administrator, use the additional options in edit mode to manage the photos and videos of your BPM's product listing.

Navigate to the following contents:

General Contents

These contents are available in both display mode and edit mode.

In the photo and video display carousel of a product listing, the following items are available:

Item Description
Main Pane This shows a photo or video of the product in a large size. If you do not upload a photo for this product listing, this space displays a No Image label as a placeholder.
Note: Videos hosted in some third-party platforms might have permission restrictions. Ensure that the videos for the products are publicly viewable to avoid issues when linked to Specpoint.
Photo Thumbnails This displays thumbnails of photos or videos of the product. Each product can only have a maximum of 10 uploaded photos or linked videos.
Use this feature to perform the following actions:
  • Click a photo thumbnail to enlarge it and display it on the main pane.
  • Click a video preview to show and play the video.
  • Click the up and down arrows to scroll through the thumbnails.

In edit mode, you can upload photos and videos, assign the default photo, and set the order of the photos and videos.

Edit Mode Contents

In edit mode, the following option is available:

Option Description
Photos and Videos Menu Icon As a BPM administrator, click to view the following menu options and perform the following actions:
  • Edit Order: Set the order of the product listing's images and videos in the gallery.
  • Upload New Image / Video: Upload a new image or link a video to the product listing.

See Product Photo and Video Upload Window.