Contents of a Listing Card - Premium MasterSpec, Premium, and Premium Proprietary

Use the contents of this card to view information about a product listing with a listing type of Premium MasterSpec, Premium, or Premium Proprietary. The contents of this card enable you to access more information about the product and its BPM.


The following information is available on a product listing card for a product with a listing type of Premium MasterSpec, Premium, or Premium Proprietary:

Item Description
Corporate Logo/Company Display Name This displays the corporate logo of the product's manufacturer if available. Otherwise, this displays the company display name.

Click this logo or name to view the Company page of the product manufacturer.

Label This displays a label which indicates the product listing's approval. The product listing's label depends on the product listing type. The following labels are available for the following listing types:
Listing Type Label
Premium MasterSpec MasterSpec
Premium General Distribution
Premium Proprietary General Distribution
Publication Date This displays when the BPM published the product listing.

For listings from other BPMs, you can only view published product listings or listings with a publication date.

Status This displays whether the product listing is Active or Inactive.

For listings from other BPMs, you can only view active product listings.

Photo or Video This displays a photo or video preview of the product. If a photo or video is not available for the product, this displays the product's listing type as a placeholder.

If the product has multiple photos or videos available, you can browse through the photos and video previews by clicking the < left and > right arrow. You can also select which photo or video preview to display by clicking the dots at the bottom of the photo.

Category This displays the product category.
Product Name This displays the complete name of the product.
Family This displays the family for which the product is applicable.

A family refers to a family element that A/E firms include in their project specifications.

Product Type This displays the product type for which the product is applicable.

A product type refers to a product type element that A/E firms include in their project specifications.

Listing Type This displays the product's listing type in its respective color code. The following color codes are available for the following listing types:
Listing Type Color
Premium MasterSpec Yellow
Premium Orange
Premium Proprietary Red

See Product Listing Types.

Additional Content Icons This displays icons which indicate the availability of additional content.
To view more information about the product on its Manage Listing page, click any of the following items:
  • Photo and Videos
  • Category
  • Product Name
  • Family Name
  • Product Type
  • Listing Type

Additional Content Icons

The following icons are available on a product listing card:

Icon Content Type Description
Catalog This icon indicates that a catalog is available for the product listing.

Hover over this icon to display the Additional Content dialog box and click the file name of the catalog to open or download it.

BIM This icon indicates that BIM content is available for the product listing.

Hover over this icon to display the Additional Content dialog box and click a link to open the BIM resource on a new browser tab.

Full Length This icon indicates that a Full Length document is available for the product listing.
Short Form This icon indicates that a Short Form document is available for the product listing.
Product Specification Document This icon indicates that a Product Specification document (in MasterSpec template) is available for the product listing.

Click this icon to generate and download the Product Specification document.

This document is available only for Premium MasterSpec or Premium product listings. In addition, the Product Specification document is automatically available for product listings that do not include a Full Length document and a Short Form document.

Manufacturer Options This icon indicates that manufacturer options are available for the product listing.

A product listing cannot have both a Product Specification document and a Full Length/Short Form document.

Additional Content Dialog Box

The following items are available in the Additional Content dialog box:

Item Description
Dialog Box Label This displays the additional content type and the BPM's name.
Document or File Names This displays the name of the document or resource.

Click the catalog name to download the document.

Click the BIM link to open the BIM content.