Users General Tab
Use this tab to define the general details on a user record.
After you click the + New User option on the form to add a new user, enter information in the fields on this tab and click Save. To edit information on this tab after you save a new record, hover over a field name and enter or select a new value or use the edit dialog box to make changes. After the appropriate fields update, save the record. Required fields have a red star and must be populated before saving.
Field | Description |
First Name | Enter or modify the user's first name. You can enter up to 50 alphanumeric characters, including spaces.
For new users, when you click Save, the names entered in the First Name and Last Name fields combine to form the Full Name field. In addition, the first and last names display in a single line below the Users Detail View heading. |
Last Name | Enter or modify the user's last name. You can enter up to 50 alphanumeric characters, including spaces.
For new users, when you click Save, the names entered in the First Name and Last Name fields combine to form the Full Name field. In addition, the first and last names display in a single line below the Users Detail View heading. |
User ID | Enter the current user’s unique ID. You can enter up to 20 alphanumeric characters, including spaces.
Once you create and save the USER ID for a user, you can no longer change it. |
Authorized Control Countries | Enter the country for which the user can view data. You can input a search keyword, and the application will filter the available options accordingly.
If the Enable Control Country option is selected on the System Settings tab and the user is assigned to a group, the user must have at least one authorized country that matches the value in the Group Authorized Control Country field on the Groups General tab. |
Enter or modify the user's email address. You can enter up to 60 alphanumeric and special characters, including spaces. By default, this field is blank.
Make sure each email address is unique except for SYSADMIN. If you provide the email address, your Deltek application recognizes it for email and paging functions. In addition, the email address serves as an identifier that can be used for Windows Authentication. Note: The SYSADMIN account can have duplicate email addresses.
Manager | Enter the user's manager from the list of available users, which you can access by clicking the drop-down arrow.
To easily find a user, you can use the
Search option at the bottom of the list. Selecting
Search displays the User Search dialog box.
This field is optional; however, it is used in workflows and when reassigning ownership of entities if the user is deleted. |
Alternate Manager | You can select an alternate manager in a list of available users, which you can access by clicking the drop-down arrow .
To easily find a user, you can use the Search option at the bottom of the list. Selecting Search displays the User Search dialog box.
Department | This field is optional. Enter or modify the name of the department to which the user belongs.
You can enter up to 50 alphanumeric characters, including spaces. |
Location | This field is optional. Enter or modify the user’s primary location. You can enter up to 50 alphanumeric and special characters, including spaces. |
Primary Role |
A user's primary role defines the operations a user can perform, such as update baselines, set budget equal to actual costs, and update data. You assign each user to a primary role, such as CAM, analyst, or project manager. Often, the primary role indicates if a menu option is enabled/disabled or invisible. You can override the primary role if the user has a different role on another project. |
Delegate My Assignments To | Select a user to whom you want to delegate your workflow assignments. When a workflow step starts, the system will check whether or not an assignee on the step is delegating their assignments. If they are, the system creates an assignment for the assignee and for the delegate. Assigning a delegate does not change existing assignments.
To easily find a user, you can use the Search option at the bottom of the list. Selecting Search displays the User Search dialog box.
Notes | Enter or modify notes about a user.
You can enter up to 250 alphanumeric and special characters, including spaces. |