WBS Field Descriptions

The fields (columns) displayed in the WBS Sheet are listed below. Fields which are required display <Required> in the cell. These fields must be filled. You can change the columns that are displayed using Format » Column Hide.

To see a description of a field, click on the field name.




Xref-1 through Xref-10


Element Type






Fee %

Charge Number

Fee Limit

Perf Dept

Revised Letter Date

Resp Dept

Schedule Reference Date



This field can only be edited if you have been granted Move WBS Leg access to the project.

Using commas in the WBS Description field (and other text fields) is not recommended as commas are used as field separators when importing information. However, if the content of a string field does contain a comma, you can surround the field with quotation marks to avoid confusion.

If no project Start and Complete dates exist, MPM prompts you to enter them the first time the WBS is accessed for that project. Dates for a child WBS must be within the parent dates (inclusive). Once estimates have been entered for new WBS elements, the dates can only be changed by updating the underlying resource estimate dates using the Integrated Planning Baseline window.

In an Integrated Product Team (IPT) environment, the Responsible OBS Tree can be used as the IPT structure. This enables you to link WBS elements to an IPT rather than to a department. Although this is an optional field, we recommend you enter a Responsible Department when creating new WBS elements if you are required to generate functional reports.

You can use the Alias field to extract the WBS elements you need when running reports. The Alias field also acts as a wild card, to match a specific group of data during reporting, exporting, or onscreen filtering. The Alias field and the Xref-1 field are the only unique selection fields that can be printed on the CPR Format 1 and C/SSR reports in place of the WBS ID field. See Structuring the WBS.

XREF-1 is used for identifying distributed WBSs. If Xref-1 is changed to DISTRIBUTED, it cannot be a parent WBS. For more information, see Introduction to Distributed Projects.

The CLIN/SOW/WBS Baseline Report will not include SOW data unless one of the XREF fields is named "SOW" in the Project Maintenance window. For example, if you renamed the XREF-2 label to “SOW” (in the Project Maintenance window) and you entered Statement of Work (SOW) numbers for all WBS elements, you can now create a report that lists all WBS elements that pertain to SOW 1.1.

When a CLIN value is entered for a WBS element, that CLIN value is used for all children and grandchildren of that WBS element. The CLIN field may only be edited on the parent WBS element where the CLIN was originally entered. If children of that parent must have different CLINs, the value must be removed from the parent and added at the child level where the CLIN values must be different.

The CLIN/SOW/WBS Report is sorted by CLIN. WBS elements without a CLIN value will not display on the report. Any estimates entered above the level at which the CLIN is entered will not be included in the report.

If you change the Fee % on the WBS element, you should reprice the project to reflect those changes. See Introduction to the Utilities for information.

Fee Limit is a reference field only. MPM continues to accumulate fee even after the limit is reached.