WBS Thresholds

WBS thresholds allow users to establish thresholds for the various WBS elements.  For schedule variance and cost variance, both favorable (positive) and unfavorable (negative) thresholds can be established.

Add, edit, or delete thresholds from the Work Breakdown Structure View located on the Projects Tab of the Menu Manager. The thresholds column is automatically displayed on the WBS view and is not populated by default.


The concept of inheritance is applied to the MPM threshold functionality.  Thresholds established at a parent WBS Level are automatically inherited by the children WBS elements.  

For example, in the WBS shown below, the threshold values established for Element 2.2 are automatically inherited by elements 2.2.1, 2.2.2, and


Threshold Example

The threshold dialog box below represents the thresholds established for a Project Level as indicated in the window title bar.  The comparison logic is applied between each value and %.


Threshold Fields

Use the Thresholds dialog box to establish both favorable and unfavorable thresholds for cumulative, current period, and at-complete variances. You can set values by the WBS element. Values are automatically copied down or inherited from the parent.

Comparison Logic

From the drop-down menu, select the logic to use between the Value and % (percent), as follows:

The Comparison Logic, AND or OR, can only be established at the Project level of the WBS.  The window title bar identifies the WBS element for which the thresholds are being established.


You can set units by WBS element as needed. From the drop-down list, select the units, as follows:

Schedule Variance

The Schedule Variance (SV) is equal to the BCWP less the BCWS, as follows:


Enter Favorable (positive threshold) and Unfavorable (negative threshold) values as needed in the following fields:

Cost Variance

The Cost Variance (CV) is equal to the BCWP less the ACWP, as follows:


Enter Favorable (positive threshold) and Unfavorable (negative threshold) values as needed in the following fields:

Adding or Editing Threshold Values

Thresholds are copied down to lower level breakdown elements or inherited at lower levels only if higher levels have values entered, as follows:

To add, edit, or view the threshold values, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the ellipses in the Threshold column of the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) window. The Threshold screen displays for the WBS element.

  2. Select the Comparison Logic drop-down list as “And” or “Or.”

Comparison Logic is enabled only at the Project Level.

  1. Set the Units drop-down list to “Dollars” or “Hours.”

  2. Enter up to 12 digits in the Value fields (in addition to the commas and decimals that are automatically added).

  3. Enter up to seven digits in the % (percent) fields (in addition to the commas and decimals that are automatically added).

  4. You can enter negative values or percentages only in the Unfavorable fields.

  5. You can enter positive values or percentages only in the Favorable fields.

  6. You can add percentage values of more than 100%.

  1. Click the left or right arrows to go to the next or previous WBS.

  2. Click OK to save all Threshold values and exit, or click one of the following:

  3. Clear — erases any contents in the Threshold dialog and resets all values to zero (0)Note that a value of zero indicates no threshold for that particular item. It is not a zero-value threshold for dollars, hours or percent.

  4. Cancel — closes the window without saving changes, and returns to the Work Breakdown Structure window.

  5. Help — accesses online help for this topic.

Deleting WBS Threshold Values

WBS Thresholds can be deleted manually by zeroing out the values at the highest level, or can be deleted for the entire project by selecting the WBS Thresholds box in the Delete Project Data Window which is accessible from Project Maintenance.

To delete WBS threshold values using the Delete Project Data dialog box, complete the following steps:

  1. Within MPM, open the Project Maintenance applet from the Projects tab.

  2. Click Edit » Delete Project Data.


The Delete Project Data dialog box displays.


  1. Select the WBS Thresholds check box.

  2. Click OK. All WBS threshold data is deleted.