Viewing Totals

MPM displays totals for estimates in the WBS element rows, in the Total Values row at the bottom of window, and in a separate Totals window. You can view the totals for a WBS element or resource estimate in any of the views by displaying the Total window. If you select a WBS element row, MPM shows the totals for that WBS element.

Rollup Totals

The totals displayed in the WBS element rows are generated by MPM's rollup feature. Each time you enter a new estimate, MPM updates the totals as long as the rollup processing toggle is set to on.

During the initial data entry phase on a large project, you may not want MPM to recalculate totals after every entry. You can turn the rollup feature off and on from Project Maintenance. For more information on the rollup feature, see Setting Rollup Processing.

Burdened Totals for WBS Elements and Resource Estimates

The Totals window displays the burdened totals for a WBS element or a resource estimate. To display the window, do one of the following:

The title bar of the window displays the name of the WBS element or the WBS element and resource estimate selected. Once opened, the Total window floats on top of the Integrated Planning windows so it is always visible. If you want to move the window to another location on the screen, click on the title bar of the window and drag it.


MPM uses the following formulas to calculate the estimate totals displayed in the Total window:

Related Topics

Introduction to Integrated Planning

Accessing the Views

Selecting WBS Elements to Download

Navigating the Views