Setting Rollup Processing

If you are working on large projects, the time it takes MPM to calculate rollup values can slow down data entry. MPM gives you the option of turning off rollup processing. After you have entered the data, you can turn rollup processing back on and MPM will calculate and update all rollup figures.

EOC and Summary Options

There are two types of rollup processing: EOC and Summary. The EOC rollup controls all onscreen summaries. The Summary option controls summaries for Proposal Summary Reports only.

If you turn the EOC rollup option off, it has the following effects:

If you turn the Summary option off, it has the following effects:

Rebuild Options

You can choose to rebuild estimates, actuals, or both. If you turn on the EOC or Summary option after they have been off, MPM automatically calculates and rebuilds the values for these options when you choose OK.

To set the Rollup Processing options, complete the following steps:

  1. Select a project.

  2. Click Tools » Rollup Processing. MPM displays the Rollup Processing dialog box.

  3. Select the appropriate options and click OK.

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