Navigating the Views

The Integrated Planning window follows many of the standard Microsoft Windows conventions.

You can:

WBS Elements

All three views display the WBS elements. The elements are shaded gray and serve as the foundation for the views. They cannot be edited in the Integrated Planning windows.

In the Baseline and ETC views, resource estimates are listed under each WBS element. In the Milestones view, milestones are listed under each WBS element.

Searching and Going to WBS Start

If you are working with a large WBS, you may have hundreds of resource estimates defined. To help you find a specific entry, MPM provides a search feature for the Integrated Planning windows. You can search on any text string, and restrict the search by matching for a whole cell and/or case. To use the search feature, click Edit » Find.

If your project spans several years, you can go to the first value for a WBS element using the Go to WBS Start feature. To use the feature, press Ctrl+G or click Edit » Go to WBS Start.

Related Topics

Introduction to Integrated Planning

Accessing the Views

Selecting WBS Elements to Download

Viewing Totals