Selecting WBS Elements to Download

If you are working with a large project, downloading all WBS elements in the project may be time consuming. Using the WBS tree in the Integrated Planning Open dialog box, you can limit the elements that will be downloaded.

Selection Guidelines

Following are guidelines for selecting elements.

Expand/Collapse Boxes

The table that follows describes how to expand, collapse, select, and deselect elements in the WBS tree.


Do this:

Expand a WBS element to the next level

Click the expand box image\winm0069_wmf.gif next to the element to display.

Collapse a WBS element

Click the collapse box image\winm0070_wmf.gif next to the element

Select a WBS element

Click the select box checkbox.jpg next to the element to display a check mark.

Deselect a WBS element

Click the select box selectbox.jpg next to the element to remove the check mark.


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