Using the Copy WBS Utility

Use this utility to copy selected WBS elements and their associated data. There are three ways to access this utility:

Be sure to back up your data before using this utility!

Copying WBS legs using the button or menu

This button and menu option are only available if you have been granted WBS Leg Utility access. Once you click the button or choose the menu option, MPM displays the Copy WBS Leg Options dialog box.

Enter the WBS element to copy, the new parent's ID, and the replacement characters for the ID. See Changing WBS Data for information about specifying replacement characters. If you are unsure of the name of the IDs to copy, use the Browse button to select them from existing WBS elements.

You can also choose to copy all data, or certain subsets. If any field is blank, OK is unavailable. If you have selected a WBS element or leg, the ID is shown as the default WBS to copy, which you can override if desired.

Copying WBS Legs using the mouse

This utility is also available using drag-and-drop with the mouse on the WBS Tree. While pressing the Ctrl key, click on the WBS leg to copy, drag it to the new parent, and drop it onto the new parent (release the mouse button). MPM displays the Copy WBS Leg Utility dialog box, with both WBS IDs auto-filled.

When using drag-and-drop with the mouse on the WBS Tree, make sure to keep the Ctrl key down. Without pressing Ctrl, you will be moving the WBS legs, not copying them!

How MPM Copies WBS Legs

The selected WBS element/leg is copied to a temporary area and a new leg is added to the WBS tree. The new leg is a duplicate of the old leg with the new IDs containing the replacement characters, and is placed as the last child in the hierarchy on the new parent.

If All Data is selected, all existing BCWS, ACWP, BCWP, and ETC values are rolled up into the new parent's hierarchy. This includes milestones, status information, Task Descriptions, and Basis Of Estimates. If one of the subsets were selected, only values for that subset are rolled up.

All rollup date ranges are adjusted as necessary, whether estimates exist or not.