MPM provides several utilities for making large-scale changes to the WBS Tree. These utilities are available on the Utilities menu. Most utilities can also be invoked using the mouse.
Use the WBS utilities to:
Each of these utilities requires you to specify replacement characters, which MPM uses for creating new unique WBS IDs. For each child element in the leg being copied, MPM replaces the same number of characters as was contained in their old parent ID. For example, assume the parent ID in the old leg contains two characters, and the new ID contains five characters. The first two characters of each child are replaced with the five-character new ID. All remaining original characters in the ID are retained. WBS 21-100 with replaced characters TEST becomes TEST-100. TEST-100 with replaced characters ZZ becomes ZZ-100. See the table that follows.
Old WBS ID |
Replacement Characters |
New WBS IDs |
2X 21-100 21-200 21-300 |
TEST TEST-100 TEST-200 TEST-300 |
12 12A 12B 12C |
123 |
123 123A 123B 123C |
TEST TEST-100 TEST-200 TEST-300 |
ZZ |
ZZ ZZ-100 ZZ-200 ZZ-300 |
MPM keeps a log of the processing results when using the WBS utilities. Each time you launch the WBS window, a new WBS session is started and a log file is created. When you invoke one of the WBS utilities and an error results, all errors of processes you request are stored in the log file and are displayed in the Report Viewer. If no errors result, the log file is automatically deleted when you close the WBS window.
If you run one of the WBS utilities and encounter an error, MPM displays the Report Viewer with the error. You can print or save the log file results using those options within the Report Viewer. When exiting the Report Viewer, if you have not saved its contents, MPM deletes the log file.