Renaming WBS Legs

You might need to rename a WBS leg, perhaps as the result of a reorganization. Use this utility to select all the WBS elements under the current parent and rename those elements as directed.

Be sure to back up your data before using this utility!

To rename WBS legs, complete the following steps:

  1. Do one of the following:

  2. Click image\winm0065_wmf.gif Rename WBS Leg

  3. Click Utilities » Rename WBS Leg

This button and menu option are only available if you have been granted WBS Leg Utility access. Once you click the button or select the menu option, MPM displays the Rename WBS Leg Options dialog box.

  1. Enter the WBS element to rename and the replacement characters for the ID.

Since you must keep WBS IDs unique, you must give MPM a way to keep the new leg unique. If you are unsure of the desired ID, use the Browse button to find them. If any field is blank, OK is unavailable. If you have selected a WBS element or leg, the ID is shown as the default, which you can override if desired.

How MPM Renames WBS Legs

See Changing WBS Data for information about specifying replacement characters. The WBS ID of the parent element in the selected leg is renamed with the new WBS ID. For each child element in the leg, MPM replaces the same number of characters as was contained in the old parent ID. If the natural progression in the naming process would result in a duplicate WBS ID, MPM adds the old name at the end of the new name, and reports the solution in a Processing Results report.

All detail estimates, milestones, task descriptions, BOEs, actuals, and other associated data are relabeled for the leg being renamed.