Introduction to Using MPM

MPM uses the Microsoft Windows® interface to give you easy access to your data. Common windows and menus work the same way throughout MPM. This section describes how the standard elements of the interface work. Once you know the standards, you will be able to use most of the MPM windows without further instruction.

To understand each window and its individual features and use, refer to the MPM Projects pages in the Online Help Table of Contents.

Log In to MPM

Before you can use MPM, you must log in. MPM provides this security feature to prevent unauthorized access to the MPM projects and data. The login procedure is described in detail in Logging in and Logging Out of MPM.

MPM Menu Manager

The Menu Manager is the key to navigating within MPM. From the Menu Manager, you access all other windows inside MPM. The Menu Manager is described in detail in Using the Menu Manager.

Dialog Boxes

MPM displays dialog boxes when it needs information to carry out your request. Dialog boxes contain questions you must answer. Many Task windows in MPM need information from you before the window can be opened. These Task windows display an Open dialog box. For more information about Open dialog boxes, see The Open Dialog Box - Gateway to MPM Tasks.

Task Windows

Use the Task windows to enter, track, update, and view the data in your projects. MPM has many Task windows. For information about using Task windows, see topic Introduction to MPM Task Windows. This section only provides general guidelines. For specifics about a particular Task window, see the MPM Projects section.

Standard Messages

Throughout MPM, standard messages display on the bottom of the window in the Status Bar or in pop-up windows. These messages provide directions, information, and warnings to assist you in moving easily and efficiently through the various functions in MPM. We recommend you read all messages carefully. If MPM has paused and does not seem to be responding, check the Status Bar to see if MPM is displaying a message that it is processing a request.

If the Status Bar is not showing, you can turn it on by clicking View » Status Bar. To hide the Status Bar, choose the option again.

Related Topics

MPM (Micro-Frame Program Manager)

Backing UP MPM Files

Contacting Customer Care

Logging In and Logging Out of MPM

Using the Menu Manager

Setting MPM Options

Recovering System Files