Regular backups of data files are essential. Backups are especially important when running functions such as Project Date Shift, Estimate Adjust and Estimating. If you should have a failure part way through the Project Date Shift or Estimate Adjust process, it would be necessary to go to your backup to recover data.
Deltek recommends that you make a full backup at regular intervals, such as the end of each day or just before and just after a sizable amount of data is input.
Specifically, Deltek recommends:
If not on a network, daily backups using a data compression tool such as WINZIP or PKZIP
If on a network, daily incremental and weekly full backups using a tape backup on the network
Maintaining one full backup onsite and one offsite
Maintaining at least five backup tapes, revolving them as needed to have the most recent data and four prior generations backed up
All MPM users should be logged out of MPM during a backup session to ensure that all files are backed up. If a backup is undertaken while some files are open, those files can be excluded from the backup.
Deltek recommends that individual users always maintain a backup of their current project data to archive all projects and global data files on a daily basis. You can save space by using a compression program such as WINZIP or PKZIP.
To back up data using PKZIP, complete the following steps:
Back up the global files (see the list of global files on the next page). First, if you have done this before, delete the .ZIP file that contains the global files from yesterday. Next, using PKZIP, create a new .ZIP file that contains the files named *.LIB.
Back up each set of project files in a separate .ZIP file using the same technique, first deleting yesterday’s .ZIP files, then creating new .ZIP files for each project.
If you are running on a network, make sure your network administrator makes daily incremental backups and weekly full backups as protection against server failures.
Backups should include the following files:
Project Files (for each project substitute the name of the project for 'project')
projectA.MIL |
projectB.OBS |
projectC.AUD |
projectD.WTD |
projectE.BOE |
projectF.WRD |
projectG.ATX |
projectI.BWP |
projectN.USR |
projectP.WBS |
projectQ.LOG |
projectR.CLN |
projectT.HED |
projectU.RRH |
projectW.RRD |
projectX.WTH |
projectZ.APP |
Global Files
System Files:
User Configuration Files