Setting MPM Options

MPM Options Window

MPM has a set of options which are used in all Task windows of MPM.

Click the Options image\winm0293_wmf.gif button or choose Options on the Tools menu in any MPM Task window to access the MPM Options dialog box.

This window contains General, Informational, Integrated Planning, GDD, and Security options, which can each be accessed by selecting the appropriate tab.

General MPM Options

There are two General MPM options. These options are used by all Task windows.

Organization Information Options

There are two Information MPM options, which are used by MPM to identify your company and project:

Security Options

There is one MPM Security option:

Integrated Planning Options

There are two Integrated Planning MPM options:

Selecting Prompt before saving modifications helps you minimize changes to history that are accidental. For instance, if you were changing May forward and accidentally entered data in April...this will alert you that there is an impending change to history if you elect to continue. It gives you the option to Escape before the historical change is made.

GDD Options

There are three GDD (Graphic Drill Down) MPM options:

Viewing Rollup Toggle Status

To view your rollup toggle status, choose Rollup Toggle Status on the View menu in any of the Task windows. MPM displays a dialog box informing you of the rollup status. For instructions on using the rollup toggle, see Setting Rollup Processing.

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