Interface Conditioning Options

These are all of the available fields displayed in the Interface window. The displayed fields change depending on the Type field setting (Generate file and validate, Generate file, Import). Category headings are shown in gray for easy reference. Fields which are required display <Required> in the cell. These fields must be filled.

Interface Conditioning Fields

Project Selection

File Name Selection


Interface Processes

WBS Descriptive


Output Options

WBS Schedule





Project Selection


Drop down list of projects

Interface Process


  • Generate file and validate

  • Generate file

  • Import

MS Project File Name


MS Project Task Filter Name

51 character data entry field

Replace Values

  • All data

  • Changed data only

Mapping File Name


Generated File Name


Output Options

Output Format

  • Printer

  • Viewer

  • Comma Separated Values (*.CSV)

  • Excel 95 (*.XLS)

  • Excel 97-2000 (*.XLS)

  • Tab Separated Values (*.TXT)

  • HTML (*.HTM)

Display errors only

Check mark option image\img00002.gif

File Name Selection

Output File Name

<Required> when Output Format set to File Type.

Append to Existing File

Check mark option image\img00003.gif

WBS Descriptive

Check mark option image\img00004.gif

WBS Schedule

Check mark option image\img00005.gif

Time Now Date

<Date> Defaults to current date

Shift Baseline Resources

Check mark option image\img00006.gif

Shift ETC Resources

Check mark option image\img00007.gif

Shift Milestones - Schedule Dates

Check mark option image\img00008.gif

Shift Milestones - Forecast Dates

Check mark option image\img00009.gif

EOC Reprice Conditioning





  • Hours

  • EQP

  • Prime Dollars

  • Total Burdened

  • Total Cost

  • Total Dollars

  • Total Price

  • Original Estimate Type

Time-phased Estimates

Check mark option image\ebx_1904805720.gif

Estimates to Import

  • Baseline

  • ETC

  • Baseline and ETC

Autospread Estimates

Check mark option image\ebx_1904805720.gif

Estimates to Import

  • Baseline

  • ETC

  • Baseline and ETC


Check mark option image\img00011.gif

Fiscal Status As Of Date



Check mark option image\img00012.gif

Identify Milestones by

  • ID

  • Description

  • Symbol/Description/Schedule Date

Update BCWP Status

Check mark option image\img00013.gif

Fiscal Status As Of Date


Project Selection

Interface Processes

Output Options

File Name Selection

WBS Descriptive

Use the WBS Descriptive option to create new WBS elements or update or build onto an existing WBS leg by importing new WBS elements. WBS elements created by the interface will have Start and Complete dates which default to their parent dates. This interface cannot be used to change a parent ID for an existing child.

If your WBS is currently empty, all of the mapped fields are added to the generated file. If a WBS ID already exists in your WBS, all mapped fields except for the parent WBS ID will be updated. Any existing fields not included in the import will not be changed.

Any Fee Limit Amount values imported are assigned to the specific WBS element; however, those fields in children of the specified WBS are not modified.

CLIN, Recurring/Nonrecurring and/or Fee % values imported are assigned to the specific WBS element and all of its children.

WBS Schedule

These fields are only available if the WBS Schedule row is checked, if the Type field is set to Import, and if Estimates is de-selected. The WBS Schedule enables you to:

Use the WBS Schedule option to update Baseline, ETC, Early and Late dates, depending on what fields are mapped.

MPM will not update WBS elements which have already started, or if they contain Actuals or BCWP data.

The value that you enter for each EOC is held constant by MPM.


This option can only be selected if WBS Schedule is de-selected.

This interface allows you to import monthly estimate values into MPM. This interface allows you to:

A task in MSP needs to have a Resource assigned to it in order for it to be added to the generated import file.

Autospread Estimate Data Summarization:


This interface allows you to export BCWP (earned value percentage complete) from MSP tasks into MPM.

We suggest that you do not mix Work with Material budgets for the purpose of this calculation, i.e.: the tasks are either all Work or all Material but not a mixture of both.

MSP Link BCWP Summarization

Summarize all tasks where the WBS ID is the same and the EV% Complete Task Flag exists.


Use the Milestones option to import new milestones for a WBS element or update existing milestones. The Milestones fields are only available if the Milestones row is checked, and if the Type field is set to Import. These fields allow you to:

We can only auto-weight Milestones if the budget exists at the same level as the 'Milestone' tasks.

If Milestone Weight is mapped to a task work field, then the BCWP Base Unit should be set to Hours for labor tasks and Prime for non-labor tasks in order for the weight to be calculated.

If mapping Milestone weights to a user-defined field, we suggest entering Hours for labor tasks and Prime for non-labor tasks in order for the milestone to be weighted correctly.

The Milestones option uses the Task Identifier (Milestone Flag) Field to find all tasks that are identified as milestones. Earned value methods can be established in MPM on a WBS ID prior to importing tasks identified as milestones in MSP. If you are importing WBS Descriptive with Milestones, you can establish the EVM in the WBS in MSP by mapping EVM in the WBS Descriptive Import.

Related Topics

Introduction to the MSP Link

Accessing the MSP Link

Orientation to the MSP Link


MSP Link Processes

Batch Processing